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44 lines
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3 years ago
import re
import sys
from functools import reduce
LINE_RE = re.compile(r"(.+) \(contains (.+)\)")
def main():
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in sys.stdin]
foods = []
for line in lines:
i, a = LINE_RE.match(line).groups()
foods.append((set(i.split()), set(a.split(", "))))
ingredients = set(i for il, _ in foods for i in il)
allergens = set(a for _, al in foods for a in al)
# Part 1
matches = {}
while len(matches) < len(allergens):
for allergen in allergens:
p_ings = [
set(filter(lambda i: i not in matches, f[0]))
for f in foods if allergen in f[1]
c_ings = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, p_ings, ingredients)
if len(c_ings) == 1:
i = c_ings.pop()
matches[i] = allergen
clean_ings = ingredients.difference(set(matches.keys()))
num_appearances = sum(
ci in fis
for fis, _ in foods
for ci in clean_ings
print(f"Clean ingredients appear {num_appearances} times.")
# Part 2
canonical = ",".join(
f for f, a in sorted(matches.items(), key=lambda m: m[1])
print("Canonical list:", canonical)
if __name__ == "__main__":