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52 lines
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3 years ago
import sys
def main():
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in sys.stdin]
# Part 1
cups = list(map(int, lines[0]))
for _ in range(100):
while cups[0] != 1:
print("Part 1:", "".join(map(str, cups))[1:])
# Part 2
# No spare 256TB of RAM nor repetitions it seems! Use another structure.
cups_list = list(map(int, lines[0]))
cups_list += list(range(10, 1000001))
cups = {
cups_list[i]: cups_list[(i + 1) % 1000000]
for i in range(len(cups_list))
cc = cups_list[0]
for _ in range(10000000):
zyoooom(cups, cc)
cc = cups[cc]
print("Part 2:", cups[1] * cups[cups[1]])
def move(cups):
cc = cups[0]
pick = cups[1:4]
d = cc - 1 or 9
while d in pick:
d = d - 1 if d > 1 else 9
del cups[1:4]
di = cups.index(d) + 1
cups[di:di] = pick
def zyoooom(cups, c):
pick = cups[c], cups[cups[c]], cups[cups[cups[c]]]
after_pick = cups[pick[2]]
dest = c - 1 or 1000000
while dest in pick:
dest = dest - 1 if dest > 1 else 1000000
after_dest = cups[dest]
cups[c] = after_pick
cups[dest] = pick[0]
cups[pick[2]] = after_dest
if __name__ == "__main__":