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39 lines
894 B

3 years ago
def main():
with open("day5.txt", "rt") as f:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()]
# Part 1
ids = [get_id(c) for c in lines]
print("Max seat ID:", max(ids))
# Part 2
for i in range(min(ids), max(ids)):
if i not in ids and i-1 in ids and i+1 in ids:
print("Happy little seat:", i)
def get_id(code):
row_base, row_part = 0, 128
col_base, col_part = 0, 8
for c in code:
if c == "F":
row_part //= 2
elif c == "B":
row_part //= 2
row_base += row_part
elif c == "L":
col_part //= 2
elif c == "R":
col_part //= 2
col_base += col_part
return row_base * 8 + col_base
# so you're saying it was actually binary?... it's 3AM here.
if __name__ == "__main__":