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83 lines
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import collections
import math
import re
def main():
with open("day14.txt", "rt") as input_file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in input_file.readlines()]
line_re = re.compile(r"(.+) => (.+)")
raw_reactions = [line_re.match(line).groups() for line in lines]
reactions = {}
for inputs, outputs in raw_reactions:
mult, result = outputs.split(" ")
input_comps = [i.split(" ") for i in inputs.split(", ")]
input_tuples = [(int(q), n) for q, n in input_comps]
reactions[result] = int(mult), input_tuples
# Part 1
ore_per_full = get_required_ore(reactions, 1)
print("Required ore for 1 FUEL:", ore_per_full)
# Part 2
# Input gives 397771 OPF.
# 10^12 ores with 13312 OPF example gives 82892753 FUEL.
# 10^12 ores with 180697 OPF example gives 5586022 FUEL.
# 10^12 ores with 2210736 OPF example gives 460664 FUEL.
# 10^12 / 82892753 / 13312 ~= 0.91
# 10^12 / 5586022 / 180697 ~= 0.99
# 10^12 / 460664 / 2210736 ~= 0.98
# Let's say our reaction will have an efficiency of ~ 0.985.
# 10^12 / x / 397771 = 0.985 -> x = 2552294
# Now on to our search.
fuel_q = 2552294
cursor = 2**16
last_result = 0
min_target = 10**12 - ore_per_full
max_target = 10**12
was_below = False
while True:
last_result = get_required_ore(reactions, fuel_q)
print(f"{fuel_q} FUEL requires {last_result} ORE.")
if cursor == 1:
if last_result < min_target:
if not was_below:
cursor //= 2
fuel_q += cursor
was_below = True
elif last_result > max_target:
if was_below:
cursor //= 2
fuel_q -= cursor
was_below = False
def get_required_ore(reactions, quantity):
stored_map = collections.defaultdict(int)
needs = [("FUEL", quantity)]
ore_per_full = 0
while needs:
needed, needed_q = needs.pop(0)
if needed == "ORE":
ore_per_full += needed_q
react_mult, subcomps = reactions[needed]
if stored_map[needed]:
needed_q -= stored_map[needed]
stored_map[needed] = 0
num_reacts = math.ceil(needed_q / react_mult)
if num_reacts:
new_needs = [(name_sc, num_sc * num_reacts) for num_sc, name_sc in subcomps]
needs += new_needs
produced = react_mult * num_reacts
if produced - needed_q > 0:
stored_map[needed] += produced - needed_q
return ore_per_full
if __name__ == "__main__":