You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
1.6 KiB

import sys
def main():
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in sys.stdin]
data = [tuple(map(str.split, line.split(" | "))) for line in lines]
# Part 1
n in (2, 4, 3, 7) # num enabled for 1, 4, 7, 8 resp.
for values in map(lambda l: l[1], data)
for n in map(len, values)
# Part 2
print(sum(map(solve, data)))
def solve(line):
patterns, values = line
P = [None] * 10
P[1] = next(p for p in patterns if len(p) == 2) # cf
P[4] = next(p for p in patterns if len(p) == 4) # bcdf
P[7] = next(p for p in patterns if len(p) == 3) # acf
P[8] = next(p for p in patterns if len(p) == 7) # abcdefg
conn_a = next(c for c in P[7] if c not in P[1])
P[9] = next(
p for p in patterns
if len(p) == 6 and all(c in p for c in P[4] + conn_a)
P[3] = next(
p for p in patterns
if len(p) == 5 and all(c in p for c in P[1])
conn_g = next(c for c in P[9] if c not in P[4] + conn_a)
conn_d = next(c for c in P[3] if c not in P[7] and c != conn_g)
P[0] = next(p for p in patterns if len(p) == 6 and conn_d not in p)
remaining = [p for p in patterns if p not in P]
P[6] = next(p for p in remaining if len(p) == 6)
P[5] = next(p for p in remaining if all(c in P[6] for c in p))
P[2] = remaining[0]
mamap = {"".join(sorted(P[i])): i for i in range(10)}
return sum(
mamap["".join(sorted(value))] * (10**i)
for i, value in enumerate(reversed(values))
if __name__ == "__main__":