You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.4 KiB

import sys
def main():
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in sys.stdin]
nc = len(lines[0])
nr = len(lines)
m = [list(map(int, line)) for line in lines]
# Part 1
low_points = []
rlevels = 0
for x, row in enumerate(m):
for y, val in enumerate(row):
if (
(x == 0 or m[x - 1][y] > val)
and (x == nr - 1 or m[x + 1][y] > val)
and (y == 0 or m[x][y - 1] > val)
and (y == nc - 1 or m[x][y + 1] > val)
low_points.append((x, y)) # for part 2
rlevels += val + 1
# Part 2
basins = [expand_basin(m, (x, y), nc, nr) for x, y in low_points]
a, b, c = sorted(map(len, basins))[-3:]
print(a * b * c)
def expand_basin(m, start, nc, nr):
basin = []
sx, sy = start
explo = [(sx, sy)]
while explo:
pos = explo.pop(0)
x, y = pos
if m[x][y] == 9:
if x > 0 and (n := (x - 1, y)) not in basin and n not in explo:
if x < nr - 1 and (n := (x + 1, y)) not in basin and n not in explo:
if y > 0 and (n := (x, y - 1)) not in basin and n not in explo:
if y < nc - 1 and (n := (x, y + 1)) not in basin and n not in explo:
return basin
if __name__ == "__main__":