You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.6 KiB

use aoc::input;
fn main() {
let lines = input::read_lines();
// Part 1
let mut goods = 0;
let bad_pairs = vec!("ab", "cd", "pq", "xy");
for line in &lines {
let mut has_bad_pair = false;
for p in &bad_pairs {
if line.contains(p) { has_bad_pair = true; break }
if has_bad_pair { continue }
let mut num_vowels = 0;
let mut cc = ' ';
let mut has_doubled = false;
for c in line.chars() {
if "aeiou".contains(c) { num_vowels += 1 }
if c == cc { has_doubled = true }
cc = c;
if num_vowels < 3 { continue }
if !has_doubled { continue }
goods += 1;
println!("Good strings: {}", goods);
// Part 2
goods = 0;
for line in &lines {
let mut cond1 = false;
let chars: Vec<char> = line.chars().collect();
for i in 0..(chars.len() - 2) {
let c1 = chars[i];
let c2 = chars[i + 1];
for j in (i + 2)..(chars.len() - 1) {
if chars[j] == c1 && chars[j + 1] == c2 {
cond1 = true;
if cond1 { break }
if !cond1 { continue }
let mut cond2 = false;
let mut cm2 = ' ';
let mut cm1 = ' ';
for c in line.chars() {
if c == cm2 { cond2 = true }
cm2 = cm1;
cm1 = c;
if !cond2 { continue }
goods += 1;
println!("Best strings: {}", goods);