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68 lines
2.4 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use aoc::input;
enum Op {
And(String, String), // left-hand can be an int
Or(String, String),
Lshift(String, u16),
Rshift(String, u16),
Value(String), // either int or wire
fn main() {
let lines = input::read_lines();
let mut wiring: HashMap<String, Op> = HashMap::new();
for line in lines {
let mut parts = line.split(" -> ");
let op_text =;
let target =;
let op_parts: Vec<&str> = op_text.split_whitespace().collect();
let op = match op_parts.len() {
1 => { Op::Value(op_parts[0].to_string()) }
2 => { Op::Not(op_parts[1].to_string()) }
3 => { match op_parts[1] {
"AND" => { Op::And(op_parts[0].to_string(), op_parts[2].to_string()) }
"OR" => { Op::Or(op_parts[0].to_string(), op_parts[2].to_string()) }
"LSHIFT" => { Op::Lshift(op_parts[0].to_string(), op_parts[2].parse::<u16>().unwrap()) }
"RSHIFT" => { Op::Rshift(op_parts[0].to_string(), op_parts[2].parse::<u16>().unwrap()) }
_ => panic!()
} }
_ => panic!()
wiring.insert(target.to_string(), op);
// Part 1
let mut cache: HashMap<String, u16> = HashMap::new();
let part1 = solve(&wiring, "a", &mut cache);
println!("Wire a: {}", part1);
// Part 2
wiring.insert("b".to_string(), Op::Value(part1.to_string()));
let mut cache: HashMap<String, u16> = HashMap::new();
println!("Wire a with b overridden: {}", solve(&wiring, "a", &mut cache));
fn solve(wiring: &HashMap<String, Op>, name: &str, cache: &mut HashMap<String, u16>) -> u16 {
if cache.contains_key(name) {
return *cache.get(name).unwrap()
let value = if let Ok(value) = name.parse::<u16>() {
return value
} else {
match wiring.get(name).unwrap() {
Op::And(lh, rh) => { solve(wiring, lh, cache) & solve(wiring, rh, cache) }
Op::Or(lh, rh) => { solve(wiring, lh, cache) | solve(wiring, rh, cache) }
Op::Not(op) => { !solve(wiring, op, cache) }
Op::Lshift(lh, rh) => { solve(wiring, lh, cache) << rh }
Op::Rshift(lh, rh) => { solve(wiring, lh, cache) >> rh }
Op::Value(v) => { solve(wiring, v, cache) }
cache.insert(name.to_string(), value);