"""Single Gemini page curses management.""" import curses from bebop.page import Page from bebop.rendering import render_lines class PagePad: """Window containing page content.""" MAX_COLS = 1000 def __init__(self, initial_num_lines): self.dim = (initial_num_lines, PagePad.MAX_COLS) self.pad = curses.newpad(*self.dim) self.pad.scrollok(True) self.pad.idlok(True) self.current_line = 0 self.current_column = 0 self.current_page = None def show_page(self, page: Page): """Render Gemtext data in the content pad.""" self.current_page = page self.pad.clear() self.dim = render_lines(page.metalines, self.pad, PagePad.MAX_COLS) self.current_line = 0 self.current_column = 0 def refresh_content(self, x, y): """Refresh content pad's view using the current line/column.""" if x <= 0 or y <= 0: return content_position = self.current_line, self.current_column try: self.pad.refresh(*content_position, 0, 0, x, y) except curses.error: pass def scroll_v(self, num_lines: int, window_height: int =0): """Make the content pad scroll up and down by num_lines. Arguments: - num_lines: amount of lines to scroll, can be negative to scroll up. - window_height: total window height, used to limit scrolling down. Returns: True if scrolling occured and the pad has to be refreshed. """ if num_lines < 0: num_lines = -num_lines min_line = 0 if self.current_line > min_line: self.current_line = max(self.current_line - num_lines, min_line) return True else: max_line = self.dim[0] - window_height if self.current_line < max_line: self.current_line = min(self.current_line + num_lines, max_line) return True return False def scroll_h(self, num_columns: int, window_width: int =0): """Make the content pad scroll left and right by num_columns. Arguments: - num_columns: amount of columns to scroll, can be negative to scroll left. - window_width: total window width, used to limit scrolling right. Returns: True if scrolling occured and the pad has to be refreshed. """ if num_columns < 0: num_columns = -num_columns min_column = 0 if self.current_column > min_column: new_column = self.current_column - num_columns self.current_column = max(new_column, min_column) return True else: max_column = self.dim[1] - window_width if self.current_column < max_column: new_column = self.current_column + num_columns self.current_column = min(new_column, max_column) return True return False def go_to_beginning(self): """Make the pad show its start; return True if a refresh is needed.""" if self.current_line: self.current_line = 0 return True return False def go_to_end(self, window_height): """Make the pad show its bottom; return True if a refresh is needed.""" max_line = self.dim[0] - window_height if self.current_line != max_line: self.current_line = max_line return True return False def go_to_first_column(self): """Move to the first column; return True if a refresh is needed.""" if self.current_column: self.current_column = 0 return True return False