"""Gemini protocol implementation.""" import re import socket import ssl from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import IntEnum from typing import Optional from bebop.mime import DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE, MimeType from bebop.tofu import CertStatus, CERT_STATUS_INVALID, validate_cert GEMINI_URL_RE = re.compile(r"gemini://(?P[^/]+)(?P.*)") LINE_TERM = b"\r\n" def parse_gemini_url(url): """Return a dict containing the hostname and the request path, or None.""" match = GEMINI_URL_RE.match(url) return match.groupdict() if match else None class Request: """A Gemini request. Details about the request itself can be found in the Gemini specification. This class allows you to do a request in 2 times: first opening the TLS connection to apply security checks, then aborting or proceeding by sending the request header and receiving the response: 1. Instantiate a Request. 2. `connect` opens the connection, leaves the caller free to check stuff. 3. `proceed` or `abort` can be called. """ # Initial state, connection is not established yet. STATE_INIT = 0 # An error has occured during cert verification, connection is aborted. STATE_ERROR_CERT = 1 # An invalid URL has been provided, connection is aborted. STATE_INVALID_URL = 2 # Invalid cert: user should abort or temporarily trust the cert. STATE_INVALID_CERT = 3 # Unknown cert: user should abort, temporarily or always trust the cert. STATE_UNKNOWN_CERT = 4 # Untrusted cert: connection is aborted, manually edit the stash. STATE_UNTRUSTED_CERT = 5 # Valid and trusted cert: proceed. STATE_OK = 6 # Connection failed. STATE_CONNECTION_FAILED = 7 def __init__(self, url, cert_stash): self.url = url self.cert_stash = cert_stash self.state = Request.STATE_INIT self.payload = b"" self.ssock = None self.cert = None self.cert_status = None self.error = "" def connect(self): """Connect to a Gemini server and return a RequestEventType. Return True if the connection is established. The caller has to verify the request state and propose appropriate choices to the user if the certificate status is not CertStatus.VALID (Request.STATE_OK). If connect returns False, the secure socket is aborted before return. If connect returns True, it is up to the caller to decide whether to continue (call proceed) the connection or abort it (call abort). """ url_parts = parse_gemini_url(self.url) if not url_parts: self.state = Request.STATE_INVALID_URL return False hostname = url_parts["host"] if ":" in hostname: hostname, port = hostname.split(":", maxsplit=1) try: port = int(port) except ValueError: self.state = Request.STATE_INVALID_URL return False else: port = 1965 try: self.payload = self.url.encode() except ValueError: self.state = Request.STATE_INVALID_URL return False self.payload += LINE_TERM try: sock = socket.create_connection((hostname, port), timeout=10) except OSError as exc: self.state = Request.STATE_CONNECTION_FAILED self.error = exc.strerror return False context = Request.get_ssl_context() try: self.ssock = context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) except OSError as exc: self.state = Request.STATE_CONNECTION_FAILED self.error = exc.strerror return False der = self.ssock.getpeercert(binary_form=True) self.cert_status, self.cert = \ validate_cert(der, hostname, self.cert_stash) if self.cert_status == CertStatus.ERROR: self.abort() self.state = Request.STATE_ERROR_CERT return False if self.cert_status == CertStatus.WRONG_FINGERPRINT: self.abort() self.state = Request.STATE_UNTRUSTED_CERT return False if self.cert_status in CERT_STATUS_INVALID: self.state = Request.STATE_INVALID_CERT elif self.cert_status == CertStatus.VALID_NEW: self.state = Request.STATE_UNKNOWN_CERT else: # self.cert_status == CertStatus.VALID self.state = Request.STATE_OK return True def abort(self): """Close the connection.""" self.ssock.close() def proceed(self): """Complete the request: send the payload and return received data.""" self.ssock.sendall(self.payload) response = b"" while True: try: buf = self.ssock.recv(4096) except socket.timeout: buf = None if not buf: return response response += buf @staticmethod def get_ssl_context(): """Return a secure SSL context that is adequate for Gemini.""" context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE return context class StatusCode(IntEnum): UNKNOWN = 0 INPUT = 10 SENSITIVE_INPUT = 11 SUCCESS = 20 REDIRECT = 30 PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 31 TEMP_FAILURE = 40 SERVER_UNAVAILABLE = 41 CGI_ERROR = 42 PROXY_ERROR = 43 SLOW_DOWN = 44 PERM_FAILURE = 50 NOT_FOUND = 51 GONE = 52 PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED = 53 BAD_REQUEST = 59 CERT_REQUIRED = 60 CERT_NOT_AUTHORISED = 61 CERT_NOT_VALID = 62 _missing_ = lambda _: StatusCode.UNKNOWN @dataclass class Response: """A Gemini response. Response objects can be created only by parsing a Gemini response using the static `parse` method, so you're guaranteed to have a valid object. Attributes: - code: the status code returned by the server. - meta: optional meta content. - content: bytes as returned by the server, only in successful requests. """ code: StatusCode meta: str = "" content: bytes = b"" HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"(\d{2}) (.*)") MAX_META_LEN = 1024 @property def generic_code(self) -> int: """See `Response.get_generic_code`.""" return Response.get_generic_code(self.code) def get_mime_type(self) -> MimeType: """Return the MIME type if possible, else the default MIME type.""" return MimeType.from_str(self.meta) or DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE @staticmethod def parse(data: bytes) -> Optional["Response"]: """Parse a received response.""" try: response_header_len = data.index(LINE_TERM) response_header = data[:response_header_len].decode() except ValueError: return None match = Response.HEADER_RE.match(response_header) if not match: return None code, meta = match.groups() if len(meta) > Response.MAX_META_LEN: return None response = Response(StatusCode(int(code)), meta=meta) if response.generic_code == StatusCode.SUCCESS: content_offset = response_header_len + len(LINE_TERM) response.content = data[content_offset:] elif response.code == StatusCode.UNKNOWN: return None return response @staticmethod def get_generic_code(code) -> int: """Return the generic version (x0) of this code.""" return code - (code % 10)