Bebop ===== Bebop is a [Gemini][gemini] browser for the terminal, focusing on practicality and speed. It is a personal project to learn how to use ncurses and try new ways to explore the Geminispace. It borrows some ideas from [Amfora][amfora], another great terminal browser, Vim for interactivity and tries to support mouse usage decently. [gemini]: [amfora]: If you are interested in Gemini and looking for a desktop/laptop client, I recommend trying a graphical one like the excellent [Lagrange][lagrange] or [Kristall][kristall], or Amfora if you're feeling more at home in the terminal. Bebop won't attempt to support every feature other clients might have. [lagrange]: [kristall]: It passes the Conman's client test but not Egsam's for now. Features -------- ### What works Common basic browsing features work: go to URL, scrolling, follow links, redirections, page encoding. Bebop also provide these neat features: - History - Caching - Bookmarks: it's just a text file with bindings. Check out [this board](BOARD.txt) for what's done and coming next. ### What is not planned for now - 256-colors mode and themes. - Subscriptions. I have no need for them as I prefer to use a browser-agnostic aggregator at the moment.