"""Rendering Gemtext in curses.""" import curses from bebop.colors import A_ITALIC, ColorPair from bebop.metalines import LineType def render_lines(metalines, window, max_width): """Write a list of metalines in window. As this function does not know about the window/pad previous size, it expects a cleared window, especially if the new content is shorter than the previous one: merely clearing after the resize will not remove artefacts. Arguments: - metalines: list of metalines to render, must have at least one element. - window: window that will be resized and filled with rendered lines. - max_width: line length limit for the pad. Returns: The tuple of integers (height, width), the new dimensions of the resized window. """ num_lines = len(metalines) new_dimensions = max(num_lines, 1), max_width window.resize(*new_dimensions) for line_index, metaline in enumerate(metalines): try: render_line(metaline, window, max_width) except ValueError: return new_dimensions if line_index < num_lines - 1: window.addstr("\n") return new_dimensions def render_line(metaline, window, max_width): """Write a single line to the window.""" meta, line = metaline line_type = meta["type"] attributes = get_base_line_attributes(line_type) line = line[:max_width - 1] window.addstr(line, attributes) if meta["type"] == LineType.LINK and "url" in meta: url_text = f' {meta["url"]}' attributes = ( curses.color_pair(ColorPair.LINK_PREVIEW) | curses.A_DIM | A_ITALIC ) window.addstr(url_text, attributes) def get_base_line_attributes(line_type) -> int: """Return the base attributes for this line type. Other attributes may be freely used later for this line type but this is what is used at the start of most lines of the given type. """ if line_type == LineType.TITLE_1: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.TITLE_1) | curses.A_BOLD elif line_type == LineType.TITLE_2: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.TITLE_2) | curses.A_BOLD elif line_type == LineType.TITLE_3: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.TITLE_3) elif line_type == LineType.LINK: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.LINK) elif line_type == LineType.PREFORMATTED: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.PREFORMATTED) elif line_type == LineType.BLOCKQUOTE: return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.BLOCKQUOTE) | A_ITALIC else: # includes LineType.PARAGRAPH return curses.color_pair(ColorPair.NORMAL)