"""URI (RFC 3986) helpers for Gemini navigation. It was supposed to be just thin fixes around urllib.parse functions but as gemini is not recognized as a valid scheme it breaks a lot of things, so it turned into a basic re-implementation of the RFC. """ import re from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from urllib.parse import quote URI_RE = re.compile( "^" r"(?:(?P[^:/?#\n]+):)?" r"(?://(?P[^/?#\n]*))?" r"(?P[^?#\n]*)" r"(?:\?(?P[^#\n]*))?" r"(?:#(?P.*))?" "$" ) NO_NETLOC_SCHEMES = ("bebop",) class InvalidUrlException(Exception): """Generic exception for invalid URLs used in this module.""" def __init__(self, url): super().__init__() self.url = url def parse_url(url: str, default_scheme: Optional[str] =None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return URL parts from this URL. Use the RFC regex to get parts from URL. This function can be used on regular URLs but also on not-so-compliant URLs, e.g. "capsule.org/page", which might be typed by an user (see `absolute` argument). Arguments: - url: URL to parse. - default_scheme: specify the scheme to use if the URL either does not specify it and we need it (e.g. there is a location). Returns: URL parts, as a dictionary with the following keys: "scheme", "netloc", "path", "query" and "fragment". All keys are present, but all values can be None, except path which is always a string (but can be empty). Raises: InvalidUrlException if you put really really stupid strings in there. """ match = URI_RE.match(url) if not match: raise InvalidUrlException(url) match_dict = match.groupdict() parts = { k: match_dict.get(k) for k in ("scheme", "netloc", "path", "query", "fragment") } # Smol hack: if there is no scheme, use `default_scheme` as default. if default_scheme and parts["scheme"] is None: parts["scheme"] = default_scheme return parts def unparse_url(parts) -> str: """Unparse parts of an URL produced by `parse_url`.""" url = "" if parts["scheme"] is not None: url += parts["scheme"] + ":" if parts["netloc"] is not None: url += "//" + parts["netloc"] if parts["path"] is not None: url += parts["path"] if parts["query"] is not None: url += "?" + parts["query"] if parts["fragment"] is not None: url += "#" + parts["fragment"] return url def clear_post_path(parts) -> None: """Clear optional post-path parts (query and fragment).""" parts["query"] = None parts["fragment"] = None def join_url(base_url: str, rel_url: str) -> str: """Join a base URL with a relative path.""" parts = parse_url(base_url) rel_parts = parse_url(rel_url) if rel_url.startswith("/"): new_path = rel_parts["path"] else: base_path = parts["path"] or "" new_path = remove_last_segment(base_path) + "/" + rel_parts["path"] parts["path"] = remove_dot_segments(new_path) parts["query"] = rel_parts["query"] parts["fragment"] = rel_parts["fragment"] return unparse_url(parts) def remove_dot_segments(path: str): """Remove dot segments in an URL path.""" output = "" while path: if path.startswith("../"): path = path[3:] elif path.startswith("./") or path.startswith("/./"): path = path[2:] # Either strip "./" or leave a single "/". elif path == "/.": path = "/" elif path.startswith("/../"): path = "/" + path[4:] output = remove_last_segment(output) elif path == "/..": path = "/" output = remove_last_segment(output) elif path in (".", ".."): path = "" else: first_segment, path = pop_first_segment(path) output += first_segment return output def remove_last_segment(path: str): """Remove last path segment, including preceding "/" if any.""" return path[:path.rfind("/")] def pop_first_segment(path: str): """Return first segment and the rest. Return the first segment including the initial "/" if any, and the rest of the path up to, but not including, the next "/" or the end of the string. """ next_slash = path[1:].find("/") if next_slash == -1: return path, "" next_slash += 1 return path[:next_slash], path[next_slash:] def set_parameter(url: str, user_input: str) -> str: """Return a new URL with the escaped user input appended.""" parts = parse_url(url) parts["query"] = quote(user_input) return unparse_url(parts) def get_parent_path(path: str) -> str: """Return the parent path.""" last_slash = path.rstrip("/").rfind("/") if last_slash > -1: path = path[:last_slash + 1] return path def get_parent_url(url: str) -> str: """Return the parent URL (one level up).""" parts = parse_url(url) parts["path"] = get_parent_path(parts["path"]) # type: ignore clear_post_path(parts) return unparse_url(parts) def get_root_url(url: str) -> str: """Return the root URL (basically discards path).""" parts = parse_url(url) parts["path"] = "/" clear_post_path(parts) return unparse_url(parts)