"""Fork of Python's standard library curses.textpad module. I guess it requires some license header? Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved This version fixes a few quirks of the standard module, namely: - Discard multi-lines mode: only one line is supported. """ import curses import curses.ascii import logging class Textbox: """Editing widget using the interior of a window object. - Ctrl-A: Go to left edge of window. - Ctrl-B: Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if appropriate. - Ctrl-D: Delete character under cursor. - Ctrl-E: Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end of line (stripspaces on). - Ctrl-F: Cursor right, wrapping to next line when appropriate. - Ctrl-H: Delete character backward. - Ctrl-K: If line is blank, delete it, otherwise clear to end of line. - Ctrl-L: Refresh screen. Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement is not possible. The following synonyms are supported where possible: - KEY_LEFT: Ctrl-B - KEY_RIGHT: Ctrl-F - KEY_UP: Ctrl-P - KEY_DOWN: Ctrl-N - KEY_BACKSPACE: Ctrl-H """ def __init__(self, win, insert_mode=False): self.win = win self.insert_mode = insert_mode self._update_max_yx() self.stripspaces = True self.lastcmd = None win.keypad(1) def _update_max_yx(self): maxy, maxx = self.win.getmaxyx() self.maxy = maxy - 1 self.maxx = maxx - 1 def _end_of_line(self): """Go to the location of the first blank.""" logging.debug(f"_end_of_line") self._update_max_yx() logging.debug(f"_end_of_line {self.win.getyx()} {(self.maxx, self.maxy)}") last = self.maxx while True: if curses.ascii.ascii(self.win.inch(0, last)) != curses.ascii.SP: last = min(self.maxx, last + 1) break elif last == 0: break last = last - 1 return last def _insert_printable_char(self, ch): logging.debug(f"_insert_printable_char {ch}") self._update_max_yx() y, x = self.win.getyx() backyx = None while x < self.maxx: oldch = 0 if self.insert_mode: oldch = self.win.inch() # The try-catch ignores the error we trigger from some curses # versions by trying to write into the lowest-rightmost spot # in the window. try: self.win.addch(ch) except curses.error: pass if not self.insert_mode or not curses.ascii.isprint(oldch): break ch = oldch y, x = self.win.getyx() # Remember where to put the cursor back since we are in insert_mode if backyx is None: backyx = y, x if backyx is not None: self.win.move(*backyx) def do_command(self, ch): """Process a single editing command.""" logging.debug(f"do_command {ch}") self._update_max_yx() _, x = self.win.getyx() self.lastcmd = ch if curses.ascii.isprint(ch): if x < self.maxx: self._insert_printable_char(ch) elif ch == curses.ascii.NL: return 0 elif ch == curses.ascii.SOH: # ^a self.win.move(0, 0) elif ch in ( curses.ascii.STX, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.ascii.BS, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE ): if x > 0: self.win.move(0, x - 1) if ch in (curses.ascii.BS, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE): self.win.delch() elif ch == curses.ascii.EOT: # ^d self.win.delch() elif ch == curses.ascii.ENQ: # ^e if self.stripspaces: self.win.move(0, self._end_of_line()) else: self.win.move(0, self.maxx) self.win.move(0, self.maxx) elif ch in (curses.ascii.ACK, curses.KEY_RIGHT): # ^f if x < self.maxx: self.win.move(0, x + 1) elif ch == curses.ascii.VT: # ^k if x == 0 and self._end_of_line() == 0: self.win.deleteln() else: # First undo the effect of self._end_of_line. self.win.move(0, x) self.win.clrtoeol() elif ch == curses.ascii.FF: # ^l self.win.refresh() return 1 def gather(self): """Collect and return the contents of the window.""" result = "" self._update_max_yx() self.win.move(0, 0) stop = self._end_of_line() for x in range(self.maxx + 1): if self.stripspaces and x > stop: break result = result + chr(curses.ascii.ascii(self.win.inch(0, x))) if self.maxy > 0: result = result + "\n" return result def edit(self, validate=None): """Edit in the widget window and collect the results.""" while True: ch = self.win.getch() if validate: ch = validate(ch) if not ch: continue if not self.do_command(ch): break self.win.refresh() return self.gather()