"""Gemtext parser. To allow a flexible rendering of the content, the parser produces a list of "elements", each being an instance of one of the dataclasses defined in this module. A renderer can then completely abstract the original document. """ import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List @dataclass class Paragraph: text: str @dataclass class Title: level: int text: str RE = re.compile(r"(#{1,3})\s+(.+)") @dataclass class Link: url: str text: str RE = re.compile(r"=>\s*(?P\S+)(\s+(?P.+))?") @dataclass class Preformatted: lines: List[str] FENCE = "```" @dataclass class Blockquote: text: str RE = re.compile(r">\s*(.*)") @dataclass class ListItem: text: str RE = re.compile(r"\*\s(.*)") def parse_gemtext(text: str): """Parse a string of Gemtext into a list of elements.""" elements = [] preformatted = None for line in text.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue match = Title.RE.match(line) if match: hashtags, text = match.groups() elements.append(Title(hashtags.count("#"), text)) continue match = Link.RE.match(line) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() url, text = match_dict["url"], match_dict.get("text", "") elements.append(Link(url, text)) continue if line.startswith(Preformatted.FENCE): if preformatted: elements.append(preformatted) preformatted = None else: preformatted = Preformatted([]) continue match = Blockquote.RE.match(line) if match: text = match.groups()[0] elements.append(Blockquote(text)) continue match = ListItem.RE.match(line) if match: text = match.groups()[0] elements.append(ListItem(text)) continue if preformatted: preformatted.lines.append(line) else: elements.append(Paragraph(line)) return elements