You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
5.6 KiB

import logging
import re
import socket
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from bebop.browser.browser import Browser
from bebop.links import Links
from bebop.metalines import LineType
from bebop.navigation import parse_url, parse_host_and_port
from import Page
from bebop.plugins import SchemePlugin
class ItemType(Enum):
FILE = "0"
DIR = "1"
CSO = "2"
ERROR = "3"
DOS = "5"
UUENC = "6"
SEARCH = "7"
TELNET = "8"
BINARY = "9"
TN3270 = "T"
GIF = "g"
# These are not in the original RFC but encountered frequently.
INFO = "i"
DOC = "d"
HTML = "h"
SOUND = "s"
_missing_ = lambda s: ItemType.FILE
ItemType.FILE: "📄",
ItemType.DIR: "📂",
ItemType.ERROR: "",
ItemType.HTML: "🌐",
# This regex checks if the URL respects RFC 4266 and has an item type.
TYPE_PATH_RE = re.compile(r"^/([\d\+TgIidhs])(.*)")
class GopherPluginException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
class GopherPlugin(SchemePlugin):
def __init__(self) -> None:
def open_url(self, browser: Browser, url: str) -> Optional[str]:
parts = parse_url(url)
host = parts["netloc"]
host_and_port = parse_host_and_port(host, 70)
if host_and_port is None:
browser.set_status_error("Could not parse gopher URL.")
return None
host, port = host_and_port
path = parts["path"]
# If the URL has an item type, use it to properly parse the response.
type_path_match = TYPE_PATH_RE.match(path)
if type_path_match:
item_type = ItemType(
path =
logging.debug(f"Gopher type for URL: type {item_type} path {path}")
# Else you're on your own! If we're opening a link of a map, find
# that item type. Default to DIR item type.
item_type = ItemType.DIR
if browser.current_page:
for meta, line in browser.current_page.metalines:
if meta.get("url") == url:
item_type = meta.get("gophertype") or ItemType.DIR
logging.debug(f"Gopher type from current map: type {item_type}")
browser.set_status(f"Loading {url}")
timeout = browser.config["connect_timeout"]
response = self.request(host, port, path, timeout)
page = parse_response(response, item_type)
except GopherPluginException as exc:
browser.set_status_error("Error: " + exc.message)
return None
browser.current_url = url
return url
def request(self, host: str, port: int, path: str, timeout: int):
sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout)
except OSError as exc:
raise GopherPluginException("failed to establish connection")
request_str = path.encode() + b"\r\n"
except ValueError as exc:
raise GopherPluginException("could not encode path")
response = b""
while True:
buf = sock.recv(4096)
except socket.timeout:
buf = None
if not buf:
return response
response += buf
return decoded
def parse_response(response: bytes, item_type: ItemType, encoding: str ="utf8"):
decoded = response.decode(encoding=encoding, errors="replace")
metalines, links = parse_source(decoded, item_type)
return Page(decoded, metalines, links)
def parse_source(source: str, item_type: ItemType):
metalines = []
links = Links()
if item_type == ItemType.FILE:
for line in source.split("\n"):
line = line.rstrip("\r")
metalines.append(({"type": LineType.PARAGRAPH}, line))
# Gopher maps are kind of the default here, so it should be quite safe to
# parse any kind of text data.
elif item_type == ItemType.DIR:
current_link_id = 1
for line in source.split("\r\n"):
ltype, tline = line[:1], line[1:]
if ltype == "." and not tline:
parts = tline.split("\t")
if len(parts) != 4:
# TODO move me away
# Does not seem to be split by tabs, may be a file.
metalines.append(({"type": LineType.PARAGRAPH}, line))
item_type = ItemType(ltype)
label, path, host, port = parts
if item_type == ItemType.INFO:
meta = {"type": LineType.PARAGRAPH}
metalines.append((meta, label))
if item_type == ItemType.HTML and path[:4].upper() == "URL:":
link_url = path[4:]
link_url = f"gopher://{host}:{port}/{ltype}{path}"
meta = {
"type": LineType.LINK,
"gophertype": item_type,
"url": link_url,
"link": current_link_id
links[current_link_id] = link_url
icon = ICONS.get(item_type) or f"({ltype})"
text = f"[{current_link_id}] {icon} {label}"
metalines.append((meta, text))
current_link_id += 1
return metalines, links
plugin = GopherPlugin()