You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
7.8 KiB

import curses
import string
from enum import IntEnum
from bebop.colors import ColorPairs
from bebop.gemtext import Blockquote, Link, Paragraph, Preformatted, Title
SPLIT_CHARS = " \t-"
class LineType(IntEnum):
"""Type of line.
Keep lines type along with the content for later rendering.
Title type values match the title level to avoid looking it up.
NONE = 0
TITLE_1 = 1
TITLE_2 = 2
TITLE_3 = 3
LINK = 5
def format_elements(elements, width):
"""Format elements into a list of lines with metadata.
The returned list ("metalines") are tuples (meta, line), meta being a
dict of metadata and line a text line to display. Currently the only
metadata keys used are:
- type: one of the Renderer.TYPE constants.
- url: only for links, the URL the link on this line refers to. Note
that this key is present only for the first line of the link, i.e.
long link descriptions wrapped on multiple lines will not have a this
key except for the first line.
- link_id: only alongside "url" key, ID generated for this link.
metalines = []
context = {"last_link_id": 0, "width": width}
separator = ({"type": LineType.NONE}, "")
has_margins = False
for index, element in enumerate(elements):
previous_had_margins = has_margins
has_margins = False
if isinstance(element, Title):
element_metalines = format_title(element, context)
has_margins = True
elif isinstance(element, Paragraph):
element_metalines = format_paragraph(element, context)
has_margins = True
elif isinstance(element, Link):
element_metalines = format_link(element, context)
elif isinstance(element, Preformatted):
element_metalines = format_preformatted(element, context)
has_margins = True
elif isinstance(element, Blockquote):
element_metalines = format_blockquote(element, context)
has_margins = True
# If current element requires margins and is not the first elements,
# separate from previous element. Also do it if the current element does
# not require margins but follows an element that required it (e.g. link
# after a paragraph).
if (
(has_margins and index > 0)
or (not has_margins and previous_had_margins)
metalines += element_metalines
return metalines
def format_title(title: Title, context: dict):
"""Return metalines for this title."""
if title.level == 1:
wrapped = wrap_words(title.text, context["width"])
line_template = f"{{:^{context['width']}}}"
lines = (line_template.format(line) for line in wrapped)
if title.level == 2:
text = title.text
text = " " + title.text
lines = wrap_words(text, context["width"])
# Title levels match the type constants of titles.
return [({"type": LineType(title.level)}, line) for line in lines]
def format_paragraph(paragraph: Paragraph, context: dict):
"""Return metalines for this paragraph."""
lines = wrap_words(paragraph.text, context["width"])
return [({"type": LineType.PARAGRAPH}, line) for line in lines]
def format_link(link: Link, context: dict):
"""Return metalines for this link."""
link_id = context["last_link_id"] + 1
context["last_link_id"] = link_id
link_text = link.text or link.url
text = f"[{link_id}] " + link_text
lines = wrap_words(text, context["width"])
first_line_meta = {
"type": LineType.LINK,
"url": link.url,
"link_id": link_id
first_line = [(first_line_meta, lines[0])]
other_lines = [({"type": LineType.LINK}, line) for line in lines[1:]]
return first_line + other_lines
def format_preformatted(preformatted: Preformatted, context: dict):
"""Return metalines for this preformatted block."""
return [
({"type": LineType.PREFORMATTED}, line)
for line in preformatted.lines
def format_blockquote(blockquote: Blockquote, context: dict):
"""Return metalines for this blockquote."""
lines = wrap_words(blockquote.text, context["width"])
return [({"type": LineType.BLOCKQUOTE}, line) for line in lines]
def wrap_words(text, width):
"""Wrap a text in several lines according to the renderer's width."""
lines = []
line = ""
words = _explode_words(text)
for word in words:
line_len, word_len = len(line), len(word)
# If adding the new word would overflow the line, use a new line.
if line_len + word_len > width:
# Push only non-empty lines.
if line_len > 0:
line = ""
# Force split words that are longer than the width.
while word_len > width:
lines.append(word[:width - 1] + JOIN_CHAR)
word = word[width - 1:]
word_len = len(word)
word = word.lstrip()
line += word
if line:
return lines
def _explode_words(text):
words = []
pos = 0
while True:
sep, sep_index = _find_next_sep(text[pos:])
if not sep:
return words
word = text[pos : pos + sep_index]
# If the separator is not a space char, append it to the word.
if sep in string.whitespace:
words.append(word + sep)
pos += sep_index + 1
def _find_next_sep(text):
indices = []
for sep in SPLIT_CHARS:
indices.append((sep, text.index(sep)))
except ValueError:
if not indices:
return ("", 0)
return min(indices, key=lambda e: e[1])
def render_lines(metalines, window, max_width):
"""Write a list of metalines in window.
As this function does not know about the window/pad previous size, it
expects a cleared window, especially if the new content is shorter than the
previous one: merely clearing after the resize will not remove artefacts.
- metalines: list of metalines to render, must have at least one element.
- window: window that will be resized as filled with rendered lines.
- max_width: line length limit for the pad.
The tuple (height, width) of the resized window.
num_lines = len(metalines)
window.resize(num_lines, max_width)
for line_index, metaline in enumerate(metalines):
meta, line = metaline
line = line[:max_width - 1]
line_type = meta["type"]
if line_type == LineType.TITLE_1:
attributes = curses.color_pair(ColorPairs.TITLE_1) | curses.A_BOLD
window.addstr(line, attributes)
elif line_type == LineType.TITLE_2:
attributes = curses.color_pair(ColorPairs.TITLE_2) | curses.A_BOLD
window.addstr(line, attributes)
elif line_type == LineType.TITLE_3:
window.addstr(line, curses.color_pair(ColorPairs.TITLE_3))
elif line_type == LineType.LINK:
window.addstr(line, curses.color_pair(ColorPairs.LINK))
elif line_type == LineType.PREFORMATTED:
window.addstr(line, curses.color_pair(ColorPairs.PREFORMATTED))
elif line_type == LineType.BLOCKQUOTE:
attributes = (
| curses.A_ITALIC
window.addstr(line, attributes)
else: # includes LineType.PARAGRAPH
if line_index < num_lines - 1:
return num_lines, max_width