You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
14 KiB

package dev.lowrespalmtree.comet
import android.content.ContentResolver
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
import dev.lowrespalmtree.comet.utils.downloadMedia
import dev.lowrespalmtree.comet.utils.resolveLinkUri
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.onSuccess
import java.nio.charset.Charset
class PageViewModel(
@Suppress("unused") private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {
/** Currently viewed page URL. */
var currentUrl: String = ""
/** The first level 1 header of the current page (default is an empty string). */
var currentTitle: String = ""
/** Latest Uri requested using `sendGeminiRequest`. */
var loadingUrl: Uri? = null
/** Observable page viewer state. */
val state: MutableLiveData<State> by lazy { MutableLiveData<State>(State.IDLE) }
/** Observable page viewer lines (backed up by `linesList` but updated less often). Left element is associated URL. */
val lines: MutableLiveData<Pair<String, List<Line>>> by lazy { MutableLiveData<Pair<String, List<Line>>>() }
/** Observable page viewer latest event. */
val event: MutableLiveData<Event> by lazy { MutableLiveData<Event>() }
/** A non-saved list of visited URLs. Not an history, just used for going back. */
val visitedUrls = mutableListOf<String>()
/** Latest request job created, stored to cancel it if needed. */
private var requestJob: Job? = null
/** Lines for the current page. */
private var linesList = ArrayList<Line>()
/** Page state to be reflected on the UI (e.g. loading bar). */
enum class State {
/** Generic event class to notify observers with. The handled flag avoids repeated usage. */
abstract class Event(var handled: Boolean = false)
/** An user input has been requested from the URI, with this prompt. */
data class InputEvent(val uri: Uri, val prompt: String) : Event()
/** The server responded with a success code and *has finished* its response. */
data class SuccessEvent(val uri: String, val mainTitle: String?) : Event()
/** The server responded with a success code and a binary MIME type (not delivered yet). */
data class BinaryEvent(
val uri: Uri,
val response: Response,
val mimeType: MimeType
) : Event()
/** A file has been completely downloaded. */
data class DownloadCompletedEvent(
val uri: Uri,
val mimeType: MimeType
) : Event()
/** The server is redirecting us. */
data class RedirectEvent(val uri: String, val sourceUri: String, val redirects: Int) : Event()
/** The server responded with a failure code or we encountered a local issue. */
data class FailureEvent(
val short: String,
val details: String,
val serverDetails: String? = null
) : Event()
* Perform a request against this URI.
* @param uri URI to open; must be valid, absolute and with a gemini scheme
* @param context Context used to retrieve user preferences, not stored
* @param redirects current number of redirections operated
fun sendGeminiRequest(
uri: Uri,
context: Context,
redirects: Int = 0
) {
Log.i(TAG, "sendGeminiRequest: URI \"$uri\"")
loadingUrl = uri
// Retrieve various request parameters from user preferences.
val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
val protocol =
prefs.getString("tls_version", Request.DEFAULT_TLS_VERSION)!!
val connectionTimeout =
prefs.getInt("connection_timeout", Request.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC)
val readTimeout =
prefs.getInt("read_timeout", Request.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC)
requestJob?.apply { if (isActive) cancel() }
requestJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Look for a suitable identity to use with this URL.
val keyManager = Identities.getForUrl(uri.toString())?.let {
Log.d(TAG, "sendGeminiRequest coroutine: using identity with key ${it.key}")
// Connect to the server and proceed (no TOFU validation yet).
val response = try {
val request = Request(uri, keyManager = keyManager)
val socket = request.connect(protocol, connectionTimeout, readTimeout)
val channel = request.proceed(socket, this)
Response.from(channel, viewModelScope)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "sendGeminiRequest coroutine: ${e.stackTraceToString()}")
// If we got cancelled, die silently.
if (!isActive)
when (e) {
is UnknownHostException -> "Unknown host \"${uri.authority}\"."
is ConnectException -> "Can't connect to this server: ${e.message}."
is SocketTimeoutException -> "Connection timed out."
is CancellationException -> "Connection cancelled: ${e.message}."
else -> "Oops, something failed!"
if (!isActive)
if (response == null) {
signalError("Can't parse server response.")
Log.i(TAG, "sendRequest: got ${response.code} with meta \"${response.meta}\"")
when (response.code.getCategory()) {
Response.Code.Category.INPUT ->
handleInputResponse(response, uri)
Response.Code.Category.SUCCESS ->
handleSuccessResponse(response, uri)
Response.Code.Category.REDIRECT ->
handleRedirectResponse(response, uri, redirects = redirects + 1)
Response.Code.Category.SERVER_ERROR, Response.Code.Category.CLIENT_ERROR ->
else ->
signalError("Can't handle code ${response.code}.")
/** Notify observers that an error happened, with a generic short message. Set state to idle. */
private fun signalError(message: String) {
event.postValue(FailureEvent("Error", message))
/** Notify observers that user input has been requested. */
private fun handleInputResponse(response: Response, uri: Uri) {
event.postValue(InputEvent(uri, response.meta))
/** Continue processing a successful response by looking at the provided MIME type. */
private suspend fun handleSuccessResponse(response: Response, uri: Uri) {
val mimeType = MimeType.from(response.meta) ?: MimeType.DEFAULT // Spec. section 3.3 last §
when (mimeType.main) {
"text" -> {
if (mimeType.sub == "gemini")
handleSuccessGemtextResponse(response, uri)
handleSuccessGenericTextResponse(response, uri)
else -> event.postValue(BinaryEvent(uri, response, mimeType))
/** Receive Gemtext data, parse it and send the lines to observers. */
private suspend fun handleSuccessGemtextResponse(response: Response, uri: Uri) {
val uriString = uri.toString()
lines.postValue(Pair(uriString, linesList))
val charset = Charset.defaultCharset()
var mainTitle: String? = null
var lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis()
var lastNumLines = 0
Log.d(TAG, "handleSuccessResponse: start parsing line data")
try {
val lineChannel = parseData(, charset, viewModelScope)
while (!lineChannel.isClosedForReceive) {
val lineChannelResult = withTimeout(100) { lineChannel.tryReceive() }
lineChannelResult.onSuccess { line ->
if (line is LinkLine) {
// Mark visited links here as we have a access to the history.
val fullUrl = resolveLinkUri(line.url, uriString).toString()
if (History.contains(fullUrl))
line.visited = true
// Get the first level 1 header as the page main title.
if (mainTitle == null && line is TitleLine && line.level == 1)
mainTitle = line.text
// Throttle the recycler view updates to 100ms and new content only.
if (linesList.size > lastNumLines) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (time - lastUpdate >= 100) {
lines.postValue(Pair(uriString, linesList))
lastUpdate = time
lastNumLines = linesList.size
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "handleSuccessResponse: coroutine cancelled: ${e.message}")
Log.d(TAG, "handleSuccessResponse: done parsing line data")
lines.postValue(Pair(uriString, linesList))
// We record the history entry here: it's nice because we have the main title available
// and we're already in a coroutine for database access.
History.record(uriString, mainTitle)
event.postValue(SuccessEvent(uriString, mainTitle))
/** Receive generic text data (e.g. text/plain) and send it to observers. */
private suspend fun handleSuccessGenericTextResponse(response: Response, uri: Uri) =
handleSuccessGemtextResponse(response, uri) // TODO render plain text as... something else?
/** Notify observers that a redirect has been returned. */
private fun handleRedirectResponse(response: Response, uri: Uri, redirects: Int) {
event.postValue(RedirectEvent(response.meta, uri.toString(), redirects))
* Provide an error message to the user corresponding to the error code.
* TODO This requires a lot of localisation.
private fun handleErrorResponse(response: Response) {
val briefMessage = when (response.code) {
Response.Code.TEMPORARY_FAILURE -> "40 Temporary failure"
Response.Code.SERVER_UNAVAILABLE -> "41 Server unavailable"
Response.Code.CGI_ERROR -> "42 CGI error"
Response.Code.PROXY_ERROR -> "43 Proxy error"
Response.Code.SLOW_DOWN -> "44 Slow down"
Response.Code.PERMANENT_FAILURE -> "50 Permanent failure"
Response.Code.NOT_FOUND -> "51 Not found"
Response.Code.GONE -> "52 Gone"
Response.Code.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED -> "53 Proxy request refused"
Response.Code.BAD_REQUEST -> "59 Bad request"
else -> "${response.code} (unknown)"
val longMessage: String = when (response.code) {
Response.Code.TEMPORARY_FAILURE -> "The server encountered a temporary failure."
Response.Code.SERVER_UNAVAILABLE -> "The server is currently unavailable."
Response.Code.CGI_ERROR -> "A CGI script encountered an error."
Response.Code.PROXY_ERROR -> "The server failed to proxy the request."
Response.Code.SLOW_DOWN -> "You should wait ${response.meta.toIntOrNull() ?: "a few"} seconds before retrying."
Response.Code.PERMANENT_FAILURE -> "This request failed and similar requests will likely fail as well."
Response.Code.NOT_FOUND -> "This page can't be found."
Response.Code.GONE -> "This page is gone."
Response.Code.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED -> "The server refused to proxy the request."
Response.Code.BAD_REQUEST -> "Bad request."
else -> "Unknown error code."
var serverMessage: String? = null
if (response.code != Response.Code.SLOW_DOWN && response.meta.isNotEmpty())
serverMessage = response.meta
event.postValue(FailureEvent(briefMessage, longMessage, serverMessage))
/** Download response content as a file. */
fun downloadResponse(
channel: Channel<ByteArray>,
uri: Uri,
mimeType: MimeType,
contentResolver: ContentResolver
) {
when (mimeType.main) {
"image", "audio", "video" -> {
channel, uri, mimeType, viewModelScope, contentResolver,
onSuccess = { mediaUri ->
event.postValue(DownloadCompletedEvent(mediaUri, mimeType))
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { History.record(uri.toString()) }
onError = { msg -> signalError("Download failed: $msg") }
else -> {
// TODO use SAF
signalError("MIME type unsupported yet: ${mimeType.main} (\"${mimeType.short}\")")
companion object {
private const val TAG = "PageViewModel"