readme: clean

dece 4 years ago
parent 3fd0cecf63
commit 3c4c7bc92d

@ -19,40 +19,3 @@ Plugins dependencies can be manually installed with
pipenv run pip install -r edmond/plugins/requirements.txt
Missing features
- [x] Actions (/me)
- [x] Beers
- [x] Mood
- [x] Random: ~~dice~~, choice, etc
- [x] Notes
- [x] Handle compliments
- [x] Handle insults
- [x] Horoscope
- [x] "Journee mondiale"
- [x] Mug
- [x] Music
- [x] Opinions
- [x] Translate
- [x] Wikipedia: find definition, get random page
- [ ] Wolframalpha
- [x] Youtube: parsing for title, requests for channel or video
- [x] Command aliases
- [x] Question aliases
- [x] Sleep
- [x] Various macros:
- [x] asks someone to stop doing something
- [x] king of
- [x] appreciation
- [x] detector
- [x] "???"
- ~~[ ] Simple word mappings for fun~~
- ~~[ ] Lyrics~~
- [ ] Phonétique
- [x] Greet other people joining
- [x] Mourn other people parting
- [x] unknown questions
