import asyncio import importlib import json import os import signal import sys import time import traceback from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional import irc.client import irc.client_aio import from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler from irc.client import Connection, Event, NickMask from edmond.log import Logger from edmond.plugin import Plugin class IgnoreErrorsBuffer( def handle_exception(self): pass irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class = IgnoreErrorsBuffer class Bot(irc.client_aio.AioSimpleIRCClient, Logger): """Main class for the IRC bot: handles connection and manages plugins.""" CHANNELS_RUNTIME_KEY = "_channels" def __init__(self, config: dict, logger): super().__init__() self.config: dict = config self.logger = logger self.plugins: list[Plugin] = [] self.values: dict[str, Any] = {} dict[str, Any] = self.get_storage() self.tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = [] self.done: bool = False self.scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler() self.scheduler.start() @property def nick(self) -> str: """Nickname validated by the server, or the configured nick.""" if self.connection.is_connected(): return self.connection.get_nickname() return self.config["nick"] @property def names(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Collection of names the bot should identify with.""" return (self.nick, *self.config["alternative_nicks"]) @property def channels(self) -> list[str]: """List of joined channels.""" if self.CHANNELS_RUNTIME_KEY not in self.values: self.values[self.CHANNELS_RUNTIME_KEY] = [] return self.values[self.CHANNELS_RUNTIME_KEY] def get_storage(self) -> dict: """Load data from storage.""" try: with open(self.config["storage_file"], "rt") as storage_file: storage = json.load(storage_file) self.log_d("Loaded storage file.") return storage except (OSError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError) as exc: self.log_e(f"Could not load storage file: {exc}") self.log_w( "If it's not the first time Edm0nd is run, you may lose" " data when closing the program." ) return {} def save_storage(self) -> None: """Save storage data to disk.""" try: with open(self.config["storage_file"], "wt") as storage_file: json.dump(, storage_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) self.log_d("Saved storage file.") except OSError as exc: self.log_e(f"Could not save storage file: {exc}") def handle_task(self, coro): """Schedule a task in the event loop. Keep a reference to cancel it.""" task = self.connection.reactor.loop.create_task(coro) self.tasks.append(task) def on_welcome(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle a successful connection to a server.""" self.log_i(f"Connected to server {event.source}.") self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) for channel in self.config["channels"]: connection.join(channel) def on_join(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle someone, possibly the bot, joining a channel.""" if event.source.nick == self.nick: self.log_i(f"Joined {}.") self.channels.append( self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) def on_part(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle someone, possibly the bot, leaving a channel.""" if event.source.nick == self.nick: self.log_i(f"Left {} (args: {event.arguments[0]}).") self.channels.remove( self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) def on_pubmsg(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle a message received in a channel.""" channel = nick = NickMask(event.source).nick message = event.arguments[0] self.log_d(f"Message in {channel} from {nick}: {message}") self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) def on_privmsg(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle a message received privately, usually like a channel msg.""" nick = NickMask(event.source).nick target = message = event.arguments[0] self.log_d(f"Private message from {nick} to {target}: {message}") self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) def on_ping(self, connection: Connection, event: Event): """Handle a ping; can be used as a random event timer.""" self.log_d(f"Received ping from {}.") self.run_plugin_callbacks(event) def run(self): """Connect the bot to server, join channels and start responding.""" self.log_i("Starting Edmond.") self.load_plugins() self.log_i("Connecting to server…") signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sigterm) try: self.connect(self.config["host"], self.config["port"], self.nick) self.start() except irc.client.ServerConnectionError as exc: self.log_c(f"Connection failed: {exc}") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log_i("Caught keyboard interrupt.") except Exception as exc: self.log_c(f"Caught unhandled {type(exc).__name__}: {exc}") _, _, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() for line in traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback): self.log_d(line.rstrip()) finally: self.cleanup() def load_plugins(self): """Load all installed plugins.""" self.log_i("Loading plugins…") plugin_files = os.listdir(Path(__file__).parent / "plugins") plugin_names = map( lambda f: os.path.splitext(f)[0], filter( lambda f: f.endswith(".py") and f != "", plugin_files, ), ) for plugin_name in plugin_names: module = importlib.import_module(f"edmond.plugins.{plugin_name}") # Get plugin class name from its module name. class_name = ( "".join(map(lambda w: w.capitalize(), plugin_name.split("_"))) + "Plugin" ) plugin_class = getattr(module, class_name) self.plugins.append(plugin_class(self)) self.values[plugin_name] = {} self.log_d(f"Loaded {class_name}.") def get_plugin(self, name: str) -> Optional[Plugin]: """Get a loaded plugin by its name (e.g. 'mood'), or None.""" matching_plugins = filter( lambda plugin: == name, self.plugins, ) return next(matching_plugins, None) def say(self, target: str, message: str) -> None: """Send message to target after a slight delay.""" message = message.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") time.sleep(self.config["speak_delay"]) self.log_d(f"Sending to {target}: {message}") try: if message.startswith("/me "): self.connection.action(target, message[4:]) else: self.connection.privmsg(target, message) except irc.client.MessageTooLong: self.log_e("Could not send, message is too long.") def run_plugin_callbacks(self, event: Event) -> None: """Run appropriate callbacks for each plugin.""" etype = event.type ready_plugins = filter(lambda p: p.is_ready, self.plugins) plugins = sorted(ready_plugins, key=lambda p: p.priority, reverse=True) for plugin in plugins: callbacks = plugin.callbacks if etype not in callbacks: continue if callbacks[etype](event): break def handle_sigterm(self, *args): """Handle SIGTERM (keyboard interrupt, systemd stop, etc).""" self.cleanup() exit("Exiting after received SIGTERM.") def cleanup(self) -> None: """Save the storage file and close the connection. Run only once.""" if self.done: return self.log_i("Stopping Edmond.") self.save_storage() # FIRST THINGS FIRST for task in self.tasks: if not task.cancelled(): self.log_d(f"Cancelling task {task.get_name()}…") task.cancel() if self.connection.is_connected(): self.connection.close() self.reactor.loop.close() self.done = True