readme: add comment regarding virtualenvs

dece 1 year ago
parent 2c55f65712
commit 08da84b7a6

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ pip install italianswirls
The only dependencies are pygls and Jedi.
Because Jedi is able to detect which environment it is installed in and which
environment is the project you're working on in, you do not need to install in
every virtualenv where it might be handy; a global user (or root) installation
should be sufficient to work regardless of your current virtualenv.
Refer to your client documentation on how to setup a server. Yes I have no idea
how to do it; to use it in Neovim and its native LSP client, I forked
[nvim-lspconfig][lspconfig-fork] to add my own config file. If it gains
