Italian Swirls 🍝 ================= Minimal Python language server, based on [Jedi][jedi] and [pygls][pygls]. [jedi]: [pygls]: Still in development but works on my machine. ✨ Supported features: | LSP method | Description | |-------------------------------|----------------------------| | `textDocument/completion` | Complete | | `textDocument/definition` | Go to definition | | `textDocument/typeDefinition` | Go to type definition | | `textDocument/hover` | Show documentation | | `textDocument/references` | Show references | | `textDocument/rename` | Renaming symbols and files | Install ------- You can either clone and build the server package from this repository, or install it from PyPI: ```bash pip install italianswirls ``` The only dependencies are pygls and Jedi. Because Jedi is able to detect which environment it is installed in and which environment is the project you're working on in, you do not need to install in every virtualenv where it might be handy; a global user (or root) installation should be sufficient to work regardless of your current virtualenv. Refer to your client documentation on how to setup a server. Yes I have no idea how to do it; to use it in Neovim and its native LSP client, I forked [nvim-lspconfig][lspconfig-fork] to add my own config file. If it gains attraction I might submit a PR. [lspconfig-fork]: Example lspconfig server configuration: ```lua local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local root_files = { 'pyproject.toml', 'setup.cfg' } return { default_config = { cmd = { 'italianswirls' }, filetypes = { 'python' }, root_dir = util.root_pattern(unpack(root_files)), single_file_support = true, }, docs = { description = "Minimal Python language server based on Jedi", default_config = { root_dir = "vim's starting directory", }, }, } ``` About ----- ### Why? General-purpose servers (e.g. pyls, py-lsp) try to do too much and break stuff too often for me. Locking Neovim when I press tab, crashes of all kind, LspRestart failing. Also I like my linting and formatting done by dedicated tools such as [nvim-lint][nvim-lint] and [formatter][formatter]. [nvim-lint]: [formatter]: Other Jedi-based servers (e.g. jedi-language-server) seem to focus on coc-nvim and frequently fail on Neovim's native LSP client for me. I tried to fix jedi-language-server several times when it failed me but I thought it could be fun to try pygls to redo it as small and simple as I can. And running a Node server to get Python completions? No way. That said, jedi-language-server is a good project and if you're fine with coc-nvim you should definitely check it out. Lots of the code here is ~~stolen~~ inspired from this project. ### Why the name? Take the string β€œIs this a Star Wars reference?” Language Server, compress it to `ITASWRLS` and expand it back to Italian Swirls. Italian dishes are made of few elements that work well together. Enough questions! ### License GPLv3.