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use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path;
use nom::Err::{Error as NomError, Failure as NomFailure};
use crate::formats::bhf;
use crate::unpackers::errors::UnpackError;
use crate::utils::fs as utils_fs;
/// Extract BHF file and corresponding BDT contents to disk.
/// Wraps around `extract_bhf` to load the BHF file from disk.
pub fn extract_bhf_file(
bhf_path: &str,
output_dir: &str,
overwrite: bool
) -> Result<(), UnpackError> {
let bhf = load_bhf_file(bhf_path)?;
let bdt_path: path::PathBuf = if let Some(path) = get_bdt_for_bhf(bhf_path) {
if !path.exists() {
return Err(UnpackError::Naming(format!("Can't find BDT: {:?}", path)))
} else {
return Err(UnpackError::Naming(format!("Can't find BDT for BHF: {}", bhf_path)))
let bdt_data = utils_fs::open_file_to_vec(&bdt_path)?;
extract_bhf(&bhf, &bdt_data, output_dir, overwrite)?;
/// Return corresponding BDT path for a BHF path.
/// Replaces the "bhd" suffix in extension wiuth "bdt". If the
/// extension does not ends with "bhd", a warning is printed but does
/// the extension is still appended with "bdt". If the path does not
/// have an extension or is overall invalid, it returns None.
/// It does not check if the file exists either.
pub fn get_bdt_for_bhf(bhf_path: &str) -> Option<path::PathBuf> {
let mut path = path::PathBuf::from(bhf_path);
let ext = path.extension()?.to_str()?;
if !ext.ends_with("bhd") {
eprintln!("BHF extension does not end with bhd: {}", ext);
let bdtext = String::from(ext.trim_end_matches("bhd")) + "bdt";
/// Extract BHF+BDT contents to disk.
/// Files are written in output_dir, creating it if needed, without
/// preserving directory structure.
pub fn extract_bhf(
bhf: &bhf::Bhf,
bdt_data: &Vec<u8>,
output_dir: &str,
overwrite: bool,
) -> Result<(), UnpackError> {
let output_dir = path::Path::new(output_dir);
for file_info in &bhf.file_infos {
// Extract all entries, print but ignore path errors.
match extract_bhf_entry(file_info, bdt_data, output_dir, overwrite) {
Err(UnpackError::Naming(e)) => { eprintln!("{}", e) }
_ => {}
/// Extract a file contained in a BHF+BDT using its BhfFileInfo.
/// The info struct must have a valid internal path.
pub fn extract_bhf_entry(
file_info: &bhf::BhfFileInfo,
bdt_data: &Vec<u8>,
output_dir: &path::Path,
overwrite: bool,
) -> Result<(), UnpackError> {
if file_info.path.is_none() {
return Err(UnpackError::Naming("No path for BHF entry.".to_owned()))
let ofs_start = file_info.ofs_data as usize;
let ofs_end = ofs_start + file_info.size as usize;
let data = &bdt_data[ofs_start..ofs_end];
let internal_path = file_info.path.to_owned().unwrap();
let file_name = internal_path.trim_start_matches('\\');
let mut file_path = output_dir.to_path_buf();
if !overwrite && file_path.exists() {
let existing = file_path.to_string_lossy();
return Err(UnpackError::Naming(format!("File already exists: {}", existing)))
let mut output_file = fs::File::create(file_path)?;
/// Load a BHF file from disk.
/// Wraps around `load_bhf` to load the BHF from disk.
pub fn load_bhf_file(bhf_path: &str) -> Result<bhf::Bhf, UnpackError> {
let bhf_data = utils_fs::open_file_to_vec(path::Path::new(bhf_path))?;
/// Load a BHF file from a byte slice.
pub fn load_bhf(bhf_data: &[u8]) -> Result<bhf::Bhf, UnpackError> {
match bhf::parse(&bhf_data) {
Ok((_, bhf)) => Ok(bhf),
Err(NomError(e)) | Err(NomFailure(e)) => Err(UnpackError::parsing_err("BHF", e.1)),
e => Err(UnpackError::Unknown(format!("Unknown error: {:?}", e))),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_get_bdt_for_bhf() {
// Weird case but why not.