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use std::fs;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path;
use flate2::read::ZlibDecoder;
use nom::Err::{Error as NomError, Failure as NomFailure};
use crate::formats::dcx;
use crate::unpackers::errors::UnpackError;
use crate::utils::fs as utils_fs;
/// Extract DCX file content to disk.
pub fn extract_dcx(dcx_path: &str, output_path: &str) -> Result<(), UnpackError> {
let (_dcx, decomp_data) = load_dcx(dcx_path)?;
let mut output_file = fs::File::create(output_path)?;
/// Load a DCX file in memory along with its decompressed content.
pub fn load_dcx(dcx_path: &str) -> Result<(dcx::Dcx, Vec<u8>), UnpackError> {
let dcx_path = path::Path::new(dcx_path);
let dcx_data = utils_fs::open_file_to_vec(dcx_path)?;
let (data, dcx) = match dcx::parse(&dcx_data) {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(NomError(e)) | Err(NomFailure(e)) => return Err(UnpackError::parsing_err("DCX", e.1)),
e => return Err(UnpackError::Unknown(format!("Unknown error: {:?}", e))),
let decomp_data = decompress_dcx(&dcx, data)?;
Ok((dcx, decomp_data))
fn decompress_dcx(dcx: &dcx::Dcx, comp_data: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, UnpackError> {
let method: &[u8] = dcx.params.method.as_slice();
if method == b"DFLT" {
decompress_dcx_dflt(dcx, comp_data)
} else {
let method_string = String::from_utf8_lossy(method).to_string();
Err(UnpackError::Compression(format!("Unknown method: {}", method_string)))
fn decompress_dcx_dflt(dcx: &dcx::Dcx, comp_data: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, UnpackError> {
let mut data = vec![0u8; dcx.sizes.uncompressed_size as usize];
let mut deflater = ZlibDecoder::new(comp_data);
deflater.read_exact(&mut data)?;
/// Get a decompressed path for this file in this path.
/// If the path is some valid file path (existing or not), use it.
/// If the path is None, it tries to strip "dcx" extension from the
/// path and return it. If there is no extension, return None.
/// If the path is a valid dir path, tries to strip dcx from file name
/// and join this file name to the output path.
pub fn get_decompressed_path(dcx_path: &str, output_path: Option<&str>) -> Option<String> {
let mut output_path_valid = false;
// If no output path is provided, try to strip the file extension.
let mut output_path: String = match output_path {
Some(s) => { output_path_valid = true; s.to_string() }
_ => { String::with_capacity(dcx_path.len()) }
if !output_path_valid {
if let Some(pb) = utils_fs::strip_extension(&path::PathBuf::from(&dcx_path)) {
if let Some(s) = pb.to_str() {
output_path_valid = true;
if !output_path_valid {
eprintln!("Can't determine a valid output path: {}", dcx_path);
return None
// If the output path is a dir, try to strip extension and place the file there.
if path::Path::new(&output_path).is_dir() {
output_path_valid = false;
if let Some(file_pb) = utils_fs::strip_extension(&path::PathBuf::from(&dcx_path)) {
if let Some(file_name) = file_pb.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) {
let mut out_pb = path::PathBuf::from(&output_path);
if let Some(s) = out_pb.as_path().to_str() {
output_path_valid = true;
if !output_path_valid {
eprintln!("Can't determine a valid output path: {}", dcx_path);
return None
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_get_decompressed_path() {
// Without an output path.
assert_eq!(get_decompressed_path("file.ext.dcx", None).unwrap(), "file.ext");
assert_eq!(get_decompressed_path("file.ext", None).unwrap(), "file");