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323 lines
11 KiB

use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use nom::IResult;
use nom::bytes::complete::take;
use nom::multi::count;
use nom::number::complete::*;
use nom::sequence::tuple;
use crate::parsers::common::{sjis_to_string, take_cstring, take_cstring_from, VarSizeInt};
use crate::parsers::paramdef;
use crate::utils::bin::{has_flag, mask};
use crate::utils::str as utils_str;
const FLAGS2D_UNK1: u8 = 0b00000001;
const FLAGS2D_32B_OFS_DATA: u8 = 0b00000010;
const FLAGS2D_64B_OFS_DATA: u8 = 0b00000100;
const FLAGS2D_OFS_STRING: u8 = 0b10000000;
const FLAGS2E_UNICODE_NAMES: u8 = 0b00000001;
pub struct ParamHeader {
pub ofs_strings: u32, // Unreliable.
pub ofs_data: u16,
pub unk06: u16,
pub paramdef_data_version: u16,
pub num_rows: u16,
pub param_type: String,
pub ofs_name: Option<u64>,
pub endianness: u8,
pub flags2D: u8,
pub flags2E: u8,
pub paramdef_format_version: u8,
pub ofs_data_long: Option<VarSizeInt>,
impl ParamHeader {
pub fn use_be(&self) -> bool { use_be(self.endianness) }
pub fn has_ofs_string_name(&self) -> bool { has_ofs_string_name(self.flags2D) }
pub fn has_u32_ofs_data(&self) -> bool { has_u32_ofs_data(self.flags2D) }
pub fn has_u64_ofs_data(&self) -> bool { has_u64_ofs_data(self.flags2D) }
impl fmt::Display for ParamHeader {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"{} -- {}",
utils_str::n_pluralise(self.num_rows as i32, "row", "rows")
fn use_be(endianness: u8) -> bool { endianness == 0xFF }
fn has_ofs_string_name(flags: u8) -> bool { has_flag(flags, FLAGS2D_OFS_STRING) }
fn has_u32_ofs_data(flags: u8) -> bool { has_flag(flags, FLAGS2D_UNK1 | FLAGS2D_32B_OFS_DATA) }
fn has_u64_ofs_data(flags: u8) -> bool { has_flag(flags, FLAGS2D_64B_OFS_DATA) }
fn parse_header(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], ParamHeader> {
let endianness = i[0x2C];
let p_u16 = if use_be(endianness) { be_u16 } else { le_u16 };
let p_u32 = if use_be(endianness) { be_u32 } else { le_u32 };
let p_u64 = if use_be(endianness) { be_u64 } else { le_u64 };
let flags2D = i[0x2D];
let use_u32_ofs_data = has_u32_ofs_data(flags2D);
let use_u64_ofs_data = has_u64_ofs_data(flags2D);
let (i, (ofs_strings, ofs_data, unk06, paramdef_data_version, num_rows)) =
tuple((p_u32, p_u16, p_u16, p_u16, p_u16))(i)?;
let (i, param_type, ofs_name) = if has_ofs_string_name(flags2D) {
// Name is in the strings block, parse it later.
let (i, (_, ofs_name, _)) = tuple((take(0x4usize), p_u64, take(0x14usize)))(i)?;
(i, String::new(), Some(ofs_name))
} else {
let (i, name) = take_cstring_from(i, 0x20)?;
(i, String::from_utf8_lossy(name).to_string(), None)
let i = &i[0x2..]; // Skip endianness and flags2D.
let (i, (flags2E, paramdef_format_version)) = tuple((le_u8, le_u8))(i)?;
let (i, ofs_data_long) = if use_u32_ofs_data {
let (_, o) = p_u32(i)?;
(&i[0x20..], Some(VarSizeInt { vu32: o }))
} else if use_u64_ofs_data {
let (_, o) = p_u64(i)?;
(&i[0x20..], Some(VarSizeInt { vu64: o }))
} else {
(i, None)
ParamHeader {
pub struct ParamRow {
pub id: u32,
pub ofs_data: VarSizeInt,
pub ofs_name: VarSizeInt,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub data: Vec<ParamRowValue>,
impl fmt::Display for ParamRow {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[{}] {}",,"<noname>")))
pub enum ParamRowValue {
S8(i8), U8(u8), S16(i16), U16(u16), S32(i32), U32(u32), F32(f32), UNK(Vec<u8>)
impl fmt::Debug for ParamRowValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let name: &str = self.into();
write!(f, "{}: {}", name, self)
// Could be probably be done better with a macro...
impl fmt::Display for ParamRowValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ParamRowValue::S8(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::U8(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::S16(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::U16(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::S32(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::U32(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::F32(i) => fmt::Display::fmt(&i, f),
ParamRowValue::UNK(i) => fmt::Debug::fmt(&i, f),
fn parse_row<'a>(i: &'a[u8], header: &ParamHeader) -> IResult<&'a[u8], ParamRow> {
let p_u32 = if header.use_be() { be_u32 } else { le_u32 };
let p_u64 = if header.use_be() { be_u64 } else { le_u64 };
let (i, (id, ofs_data, ofs_name)) = if header.has_u64_ofs_data() {
let (i, (id, _, ofs_data, ofs_name)) = tuple((p_u32, take(4usize), p_u64, p_u64))(i)?;
(i, (id, VarSizeInt { vu64: ofs_data }, VarSizeInt { vu64: ofs_name }))
} else {
let (i, (id, ofs_data, ofs_name)) = tuple((p_u32, p_u32, p_u32))(i)?;
(i, (id, VarSizeInt { vu32: ofs_data }, VarSizeInt { vu32: ofs_name }))
Ok((i, ParamRow { id, ofs_data, ofs_name, name: None, data: vec!() }))
/// Parse row data using field definitions from PARAMDEF.
fn parse_row_data<'a>(
i: &'a[u8],
header: &ParamHeader,
paramdef: &paramdef::Paramdef
) -> IResult<&'a[u8], Vec<ParamRowValue>> {
let use_be = header.use_be();
let mut data = vec!();
let mut bitfield = 0u16; // Current bitfield being parsed. u16 is largest handled type.
let mut remaining_bits = 0; // Remaining bits in bitfield.
let mut data_slice = i;
for field in &paramdef.fields {
let type_str = &field.display_type;
let num_bytes = field.byte_count as usize;
let bit_size = field.bit_size();
let value = if bit_size == 0 {
let (rest, value) = parse_row_value(data_slice, type_str, num_bytes, use_be)?;
data_slice = rest;
remaining_bits = 0;
} else {
// Bitfield parsing. If it's the first bitfield in a series, get the containing bytes
// in the bitfield var.
if remaining_bits == 0 {
let (rest, bf) = parse_row_bitfield(data_slice, type_str, num_bytes, use_be)?;
data_slice = rest;
bitfield = bf;
remaining_bits = bit_size * 8;
let value = parse_row_bitfield_value(bitfield, type_str, bit_size);
// Shift bitfield so next values can be parsed directly with a bitmask.
bitfield >>= bit_size;
remaining_bits -= bit_size;
Ok((i, data))
/// Parse a single row value, using its type string.
fn parse_row_value<'a>(
i: &'a[u8],
type_str: &str,
num_bytes: usize,
use_be: bool
) -> IResult<&'a[u8], ParamRowValue> {
Ok(match type_str {
"s8" => le_i8(i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::S8(v)))?,
"u8" => le_u8(i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::U8(v)))?,
"s16" => (if use_be { be_i16 } else { le_i16 }) (i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::S16(v)))?,
"u16" => (if use_be { be_u16 } else { le_u16 }) (i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::U16(v)))?,
"s32" => (if use_be { be_i32 } else { le_i32 }) (i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::S32(v)))?,
"u32" => (if use_be { be_u32 } else { le_u32 }) (i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::U32(v)))?,
"f32" => (if use_be { be_f32 } else { le_f32 }) (i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::F32(v)))?,
_ => take(num_bytes)(i)
.map(|(i, v)| (i, ParamRowValue::UNK(v.to_vec())))?,
/// Parse a bitfield unsigned int of the max handled size (u16).
/// Parsing is done using the type string. Whatever the size of the int
/// is, place it in the max handled size to avoid maintaining one
/// bitfield for each type.
fn parse_row_bitfield<'a>(
bf: &'a[u8],
type_str: &str,
num_bytes: usize,
use_be: bool
) -> IResult<&'a[u8], u16> {
let (rest, bf) = take(num_bytes)(bf)?;
let bitfield = match type_str {
"u8" => le_u8(bf).map(|(_, v)| v as u16)?,
"dummy8" => le_u8(bf).map(|(_, v)| v as u16)?,
"u16" => (if use_be { be_u16 } else { le_u16 })(bf).map(|(_, v)| v)?,
e => panic!("Unhandled PARAMDEF type {}", e),
Ok((rest, bitfield))
/// Parse a single row value (max u16) from a bitfield.
fn parse_row_bitfield_value(bitfield: u16, type_str: &str, bit_size: usize) -> ParamRowValue {
let value = bitfield & mask(bit_size) as u16;
match type_str {
"u8" => ParamRowValue::U8(value as u8),
"dummy8" => ParamRowValue::U8(value as u8),
"u16" => ParamRowValue::U16(value),
e => panic!("Unhandled PARAMDEF type {}", e),
pub struct Param {
pub header: ParamHeader,
pub rows: Vec<ParamRow>,
impl fmt::Display for Param {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.header, f)
/// Parse PARAM data, using PARAMDEF info if provided.
pub fn parse<'a>(i: &'a[u8], paramdef: Option<&paramdef::Paramdef>) -> IResult<&'a[u8], Param> {
let full_file = i;
let (i, mut header) = parse_header(i)?;
if header.has_ofs_string_name() && header.ofs_name.is_some() {
let ofs_name = header.ofs_name.unwrap() as usize;
let (_, name) = take_cstring(&full_file[ofs_name..])?;
let (i, mut rows) = count(|i| parse_row(i, &header), header.num_rows as usize)(i)?;
for row in &mut rows {
let ofs_name = row.ofs_name.u64_if(header.has_u64_ofs_data()) as usize;
if ofs_name != 0 {
let (_, name) = take_cstring(&full_file[ofs_name..])?; = sjis_to_string(name).or_else(|| {
eprintln!("Can't parse row name: {:?}", name);
if paramdef.is_some() {
let def = paramdef.unwrap();
let row_size = def.row_size();
for row in &mut rows {
let ofs_data = row.ofs_data.u64_if(header.has_u64_ofs_data()) as usize;
if ofs_data == 0 {
let ofs_data_end = ofs_data + row_size;
let (_, data) = parse_row_data(&full_file[ofs_data..ofs_data_end], &header, &def)?; = data;
Ok((i, Param { header, rows }))