import logging import re from dataclasses import dataclass from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString import requests import scaruffi.log SITE_URL = "" GENERAL_INDEX = SITE_URL + "/music/groups.html" RATINGS_DECADES = SITE_URL + "/ratings/{:02}.html" @dataclass class Release: title: str artist: str = "" year: int = 0 # Usually the release year, not the recording year. class ScaruffiApi: def __init__(self, log_level=logging.WARNING): self.log = scaruffi.log.get_logger("scaruffi", level=log_level) def _get_soup(self, url): html = self._get_page(url) if not html: return None return BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib") def _get_page(self, url): self.log.debug(f"GET {url}") try: response = requests.get(url) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: self.log.error(f"An exception occured during HTTP GET: {exc}") return None sc = response.status_code if sc != 200: self.log.error(f"Server returned HTTP response {sc} to {url}.") return None return response.text def get_musicians(self, offset=0, limit=20): """Get a list of musicians, or None on error.""" soup = self._get_soup(GENERAL_INDEX) if not soup: return None # Semantic Web? Just find the fattest table. mu_table = max(soup.find_all("table"), key=lambda t: len(t.text)) musicians = [a_tag.text for a_tag in mu_table.find_all("a")] return musicians[offset : offset + limit] def get_ratings(self, decade): """Get a dict of ratings to a release list for this decade. The decade must be an integer in the [0, 99] range, or a full year (1960 for example). Returns None on error. """ if 1900 <= decade: decade %= 100 if not (0 <= decade < 100 and decade % 10 == 0): self.log.error(f"Invalid decade value: {decade}.") return None soup = self._get_soup(RATINGS_DECADES.format(decade)) if not soup: return None ratings_table = max(soup.find_all("table"), key=lambda t: len(t.text)) lists = ratings_table("ul") if len(lists) == 1: return self._get_ratings_from_unique_list(lists[0]) else: return self._get_ratings_from_lists(lists) def _get_ratings_from_unique_list(self, messy_list): """Get ratings from decades where one list contains all ratings.""" ratings = {} current_key = None for tag in messy_list: if isinstance(tag, NavigableString): continue # Get an entry for the current rating. if == "li": release = self._parse_release(tag.text) if not current_key: self.log.critical(f"Release {release} without rating.") return None ratings[current_key].append(release) # Detect a new rating list. # Do it after getting entries in tag due to bad HTML. text = tag.text.strip() if text: rating = self._match_rating(text.split()[-1]) if rating is not None: current_key = rating ratings[current_key] = [] return ratings def _get_ratings_from_lists(self, lists): """Get ratings from several lists, one per rating. For some decades, there are two "lists of lists": one for albums per ratings and one for EP/mini albums per ratings. """ ratings = {} rating = None for ul in lists: for child in ul: tag = if not tag: continue if tag in ("p", "span"): parsed_rating = self._match_rating(child.text) if parsed_rating: rating = parsed_rating if rating not in ratings: ratings[rating] = [] continue if rating is None: self.log.critical("Failed to find rating tag in list.") return None if tag != "li": self.log.warning(f"Unused tag in ratings list: {tag}.") continue release = self._parse_release(child.text) ratings[rating].append(release) return ratings RATING_RE = re.compile(r"\s*(\d(.\d)?)/10\s*") def _match_rating(self, text): """Try to match text as a rating and return the rating, or None.""" if not text.strip(): return None match = self.RATING_RE.match(text.strip()) if match: return float( def _parse_release(self, entry): """Fill a release fields using entry, as well as we can.""" entry = entry.strip("\r\n :") # Remove bogus spaces and colons. parts = entry.split(": ") if len(parts) == 1:"No colon in {entry}, using both as artist & title.") title_and_year = self._parse_release_title_year(entry) if not title_and_year: return Release(title=entry) title, year = title_and_year artist = title else: # Usual case is 2 parts ("artist: title"), but in case one of them # contains ": " as well, assume that it is part of the title, not # the artist name. artist = parts[0] title_and_year_str = parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 2: title_and_year_str += ": " + ": ".join(parts[2:]) title_and_year = self._parse_release_title_year(title_and_year_str) if not title_and_year: return Release(artist=artist, title=title_and_year_str) title, year = title_and_year return Release(artist=artist, title=title, year=year) RATING_TITLE_AND_YEAR_RE = re.compile(r"(.+?)\s?\((\d{4})(?:-\d+)?\)") def _parse_release_title_year(self, title_year): """Parse title and year in the approximate "title (year)" format. In some instances, the year is actually a range of years, in the YYYY-YY format. Sometimes there is no space between title and year.""" match = self.RATING_TITLE_AND_YEAR_RE.match(title_year) if not match: self.log.error(f"Failed to split title/year in \"{title_year}\".") return None groups = match.groups() if len(groups) != 2 or None in groups: self.log.error(f"Failed to parse title/year in \"{title_year}\".") return None title, year = groups try: year = int(year) except ValueError: self.log.error(f"Failed to parse \"{year}\" as an integer.") year = 0 return title, year