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dece 7af9c89a19
2 years ago
1_DelPackages.ps1 win10-debloat 2 years ago
2_DelOneDrive.cmd win10-debloat 2 years ago
3_DelCortonaTelBiometrics.reg win10-debloat 2 years ago
4_DelTouchLockScreen.reg win10-debloat 2 years ago
5_DelTracking.ps1 win10-debloat 2 years ago
README.md win10-debloat 2 years ago


  1. Start a console with admin rights (right click on start menu button).
  2. Run Powershell if not already.
  3. Ensure correct execution policy: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  4. Run the scripts you want. "reg" files can be run and will set registry keys.
  5. Reset execution policy: Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned