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#!/bin/zsh -e
# Short Zsh script to compare some of my manually installed software against
# what is apparently available on Github, PyPI or whatever remote hell.
# Requires curl.
get_latest_tag() {
redirect="$(curl "$1" -v 2>&1 | grep "^< location:")"
echo "${redirect##*/}"
check_neovim() {
echo "# Neovim"
echo "Installed: $(nvim -v | head -n 1)"
echo "Available: $(get_latest_tag "$GH/neovim/neovim/$GH_TAIL")"
check_alacritty() {
echo "# Alacritty"
echo "Installed: $(alacritty -V)"
echo "Available: $(get_latest_tag "$GH/alacritty/alacritty/$GH_TAIL")"
check_cheat() {
echo "# Cheat"
echo "Installed: $(cheat -v)"
echo "Available: $(get_latest_tag "$GH/cheat/cheat/$GH_TAIL")"
check_python_packages() {
echo "# Python user packages"
# For some reason different order of arguments makes pip crash on some
# systems… Not going to bother here.
pip3 list --user -o 2> /dev/null \
|| pip3 list -o --user 2> /dev/null \
|| echo "Failure…"
(( $+commands[nvim] )) && check_neovim
(( $+commands[alacritty] )) && check_alacritty
(( $+commands[cheat] )) && check_cheat
(( $+commands[pip3] )) && check_python_packages