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//! Board statistics used for heuristics.
use crate::board::*;
use crate::rules;
/// Storage for board pieces stats.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct BoardStats {
pub num_pawns: i8,
pub num_bishops: i8,
pub num_knights: i8,
pub num_rooks: i8,
pub num_queens: i8,
pub num_kings: i8,
pub num_doubled_pawns: i8, // Pawns that are on the same file as a friend.
pub num_backward_pawns: i8, // Pawns behind all other pawns on adjacent files.
pub num_isolated_pawns: i8, // Pawns that have no friend pawns on adjacent files.
pub mobility: i32,
impl BoardStats {
pub const fn new() -> BoardStats {
BoardStats {
num_pawns: 0, num_bishops: 0, num_knights: 0, num_rooks: 0, num_queens: 0,
num_kings: 0, num_doubled_pawns: 0, num_backward_pawns: 0, num_isolated_pawns: 0,
mobility: 0,
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.num_pawns = 0;
self.num_bishops = 0;
self.num_knights = 0;
self.num_rooks = 0;
self.num_queens = 0;
self.num_kings = 0;
self.num_doubled_pawns = 0;
self.num_backward_pawns = 0;
self.num_isolated_pawns = 0;
self.mobility = 0;
impl std::fmt::Display for BoardStats {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
"{}P {}B {}N {}R {}Q {}K {}dp {}bp {}ip {}m",
self.num_pawns, self.num_bishops, self.num_knights, self.num_rooks,
self.num_queens, self.num_kings,
self.num_doubled_pawns, self.num_backward_pawns, self.num_isolated_pawns,
/// Create two new BoardStats objects from the board, for white and black.
/// See `compute_stats_into` for details.
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
pub fn compute_stats(board: &Board, game_state: &rules::GameState) -> (BoardStats, BoardStats) {
let mut stats = (BoardStats::new(), BoardStats::new());
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
compute_stats_into(board, game_state, &mut stats);
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
pub fn compute_stats_into(
board: &Board,
game_state: &rules::GameState,
stats: &mut (BoardStats, BoardStats)
) {
compute_color_stats_into(board, game_state, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
compute_color_stats_into(board, game_state, &mut stats.1, SQ_BL);
/// Update `stats` for `color` from given `board`
/// Refresh all stats *except* `mobility`.
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
pub fn compute_color_stats_into(
board: &Board,
game_state: &rules::GameState,
stats: &mut BoardStats,
color: u8
) {
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
for (piece, p) in get_piece_iterator(board) {
let (pos_f, pos_r) = p;
if piece == SQ_E || !is_color(piece, color) {
// For all piece types, increment its number. Pawns have a few additional stats.
match get_type(piece) {
SQ_R => stats.num_rooks += 1,
SQ_N => stats.num_knights += 1,
SQ_B => stats.num_bishops += 1,
SQ_Q => stats.num_queens += 1,
SQ_K => stats.num_kings += 1,
SQ_P => {
stats.num_pawns += 1;
let mut doubled = false;
let mut isolated = true;
let mut backward = true;
for r in 0..8 {
// Check for doubled pawns.
!doubled &&
is_piece(get_square(board, &(pos_f, r)), color|SQ_P) && r != pos_r
doubled = true;
// Check for isolated pawns.
isolated &&
// Check on the left file if not on a-file...
pos_f > POS_MIN &&
is_piece(get_square(board, &(pos_f - 1, r)), color|SQ_P)
) ||
// Check on the right file if not on h-file...
pos_f < POS_MAX &&
is_piece(get_square(board, &(pos_f + 1, r)), color|SQ_P)
isolated = false;
// Check for backward pawns.
if backward {
if color == SQ_WH && r <= pos_r {
if (
pos_f > POS_MIN &&
is_type(get_square(board, &(pos_f - 1, r)), SQ_P)
) || (
pos_f < POS_MAX &&
is_type(get_square(board, &(pos_f + 1, r)), SQ_P)
) {
backward = false;
} else if color == SQ_BL && r >= pos_r {
if (
pos_f > POS_MIN &&
is_type(get_square(board, &(pos_f - 1, r)), SQ_P)
) || (
pos_f < POS_MAX &&
is_type(get_square(board, &(pos_f + 1, r)), SQ_P)
) {
backward = false;
if doubled {
stats.num_doubled_pawns += 1;
if isolated {
stats.num_isolated_pawns += 1;
if backward {
stats.num_backward_pawns += 1;
_ => {}
// Compute mobility for all pieces.
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
stats.mobility += rules::get_piece_moves(board, &p, game_state, true).len() as i32;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_compute_stats() {
// Check that initial stats are correct.
let b = new();
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
let gs = rules::GameState::new();
let initial_stats = BoardStats {
num_pawns: 8,
num_bishops: 2,
num_knights: 2,
num_rooks: 2,
num_queens: 1,
num_kings: 1,
num_doubled_pawns: 0,
num_backward_pawns: 0,
num_isolated_pawns: 0,
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
mobility: 20,
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
let mut stats = compute_stats(&b, &gs);
eprintln!("{}", stats.0);
eprintln!("{}", stats.1);
assert!(stats.0 == stats.1);
assert!(stats.0 == initial_stats);
// Check that doubled pawns are correctly counted.
let mut b = new_empty();
set_square(&mut b, &pos("d4"), SQ_WH_P);
set_square(&mut b, &pos("d6"), SQ_WH_P);
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compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2);
// Add a pawn on another file, no changes expected.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("e6"), SQ_WH_P);
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compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2);
// Add a pawn backward in the d-file: there are now 3 doubled pawns.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("d2"), SQ_WH_P);
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compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 3);
// Check that isolated and backward pawns are correctly counted.
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 2); // A bit weird?
// Protect d4 pawn with a friend in e3: it is not isolated nor backward anymore.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("e3"), SQ_WH_P);
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1);
// Add an adjacent friend to d2 pawn: no pawns are left isolated or backward.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("c2"), SQ_WH_P);
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 0);
// Add an isolated/backward white pawn in a far file.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("a2"), SQ_WH_P);
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 1);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1);
// Check for pawns that are backward but not isolated.
let mut b = new_empty();
// Here, d4 pawn protects both e5 and e3, but it is backward.
set_square(&mut b, &pos("d4"), SQ_WH_P);
set_square(&mut b, &pos("e5"), SQ_WH_P);
set_square(&mut b, &pos("e3"), SQ_WH_P);
2020-06-11 21:09:02 +02:00
compute_color_stats_into(&b, &gs, &mut stats.0, SQ_WH);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0);
assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1);