From 362e23e2540bd9504d62bdaa51d7768552007bbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dece Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 09:23:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] res: add UCI specs and Shannon paper --- res/txt/shannon.txt | 861 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ res/txt/uci-specs.txt | 544 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 1405 insertions(+) create mode 100644 res/txt/shannon.txt create mode 100644 res/txt/uci-specs.txt diff --git a/res/txt/shannon.txt b/res/txt/shannon.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaeb898 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/txt/shannon.txt @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ +Philosophical Magazine, Ser.7, Vol. 41, No. 314 - March 1950. + +XXII. Programming a Computer for Playing Chess + +(*) First presented at the National IRE Convention, March 9, 1949, New +York, U.S.A. + +By CLAUDE E. SHANNON + +Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, N.J. +(+) Communicated by the Author + +[Received November 8, 1949] + +1.INTRODUCTION + +This paper is concerned with the problem of constructing a computing +routine or "program" for a modern general purpose computer which will +enable it to play chess. Although perhaps of no practical importance, +the question is of theoretical interest, and it is hoped that a +satisfactory solution of this problem will act as a wedge in attacking +other problems of a similar nature and of greater significance. Some +possibilities in this direction are: - +(1) Machines for designing filters, equalizers, etc. +(2) Machines for designing relay and switching circuits. +(3) Machines which will handle routing of telephone calls based on the +individual circumstances rather than by fixed patterns. +(4) Machines for performing symbolic (non-numerical) mathematical +operations. +(5) Machines capable of translating from one language to another. +(6) Machines for making strategic decisions in simplified military +operations. +(7) Machines capable of orchestrating a melody. +(8) Machines capable of logical deduction. + +It is believed that all of these and many other devices of a similar +nature are possible developments in the immediate future. The techniques +developed for modern electronic and relay type computers make them not +only theoretical possibilities, but in several cases worthy of serious +consideration from the economic point of view. + +Machines of this general type are an extension over the ordinary use of +numerical computers in several ways. First, the entities dealt with are not +primarily numbers, but rather chess positions, circuits, mathematical +expressions, words, etc. Second, the proper procedure involves general +principles, something of the nature of judgement, and considerable trial +and error, rather than a strict, unalterable computing process. Finally, +the solutions of these problems are not merely right or wrong but have a +continuous range of "quality" from the best down to the worst. We might be +satisfied with a machine that designed good filters even though they were +not always the best possible. + +The chess machine is an ideal one to start with, since: (1) the problem is +sharply defined both in allowed operations (the moves) and in the ultimate +goal (checkmate); (2) it is neither so simple as to be trivial nor too +difficult for satisfactory solution; (3) chess is generally considered to +require "thinking" for skilful play; a solution of this problem will force +us either to admit the possibility of a mechanized thinking or to further +restrict our concept of "thinking"; (4) the discrete structure of chess +fits well into the digital nature of modern computers. + +There is already a considerable literature on the subject of chess-playing +machines. During the late 19th century, the Maelzel Chess Automaton, a +device invented by Von Kempelen, was exhibited widely as a chess-playing +machine. A number of papers appeared at the time, including an analytical +essay by Edgar Allan Poe (entitled Maelzel's Chess Player) purporting to +explain its operation. Most of the writers concluded, quite correctly, +that the Automaton was operated by a concealed human chess-master; the +arguments leading to this conclusion, however, were frequently fallacious. +Poe assumes, for example, that it is as easy to design a machine which +will invariably win as one which wins occasionally, and argues that since +the Automaton was not invincible it was therefore operated by a human, a +clear 'non sequitur'. For a complete account of the history of the method +of operation of the Automaton, the reader is referred to a series of +articles by Harkness and Battell in Chess Review, 1947. + +A more honest attempt to design a chess-playing machine was made in 1914 +by Torres y Quevedo, who constructed a device which played an end game +of king and rook against king (Vigneron, 1914). The machine played the +side with king and rook and would force checkmate in few moves however its +human opponent played. Since an explicit set of rules can be given for +making satisfactory moves in such an end game, the problem is relatively +simple, but the idea was quite advanced for that period. + +The thesis, we will develop is that modern general purpose computers can be +used to play a tolerably good game of chess by the use of suitable +computing routine or "program". White the approach given here is believed +fundamentally sound, it will be evident that much further experimental and +theoretical work remains to be done. + +2.GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS + +A chess "position" may be defined to include the following data: - +(1) A statement of the positions of all pieces on the board. +(2) A statement of which side, White or Black, has the move. +(3) A statement as to whether the king and rooks have moved. This is +important since by moving a rook, for example, the right to castle of that +side is forfeited. +(4) A statement of, say, the last move. This will determine whether a +possible en passant capture is legal, since this privilege if forfeited +after one move. +(5) A statement of the number of moves made since the last pawn move or +capture. This is important because of the 50 move drawing rule. +For simplicity, we will ignore the rule of draw after three repetitions of +a position. + +In chess there is no chance element apart from the original choice of +which player has the first move. This is in contrast with card games, +backgammon, etc. Furthermore, in chess each of the two opponents has +"perfect information" at each move as to all previous moves (in contrast +with Kriegspiel, for example). These two facts imply (von Neumann and +Morgenstern, 1944) that any given position of the chess pieces must be +either: - +(1) A won position for White. That is, White can force a win, however +Black defends. +(2) A draw position. White can force at least a draw, however Black plays, +and likewise Black can force at least a draw, however White plays. If both +sides play correctly the game will end in a draw. +(3) A won position for Black. Black can force a win, however White plays. + +This is, for practical purposes, of the nature of an existence theorem. +No practical method is known for determining to which of the three +categories a general position belongs. If there were chess would lose most +of its interest as a game. One could determine whether the initial +position is a won, drawn, or lost for White and the outcome of a game +between opponents knowing the method would be fully determined at the +choice of the first move. Supposing the initial position a draw (as +suggested by empirical evidence from master games [1]) every game would +end in a draw. + +It is interesting that a slight change in the rules of chess gives a game +for which it is provable that White has at least a draw in the initial +position. Suppose the rules the same as those of chess except that a +player is not forced to move a piece at his turn to play, but may, if he +chooses, "pass". Then we can prove as a theorem that White can at least +draw by proper play. For in the initial position either he has a winning +move or not. If so, let him make this move. If not, let him pass. Black is +not faced with essentially the same position that White has before, +because of the mirror symmetry of the initial position [2]. +Since White had no winning move before, Black has none now. Hence, Black +at best can draw. Therefore, in either case White can at least draw. + +In some games there is a simple _evaluation function_ f(P) which can be +applied to a position P and whose value determines to which category (won, +lost, etc.) the position P belongs. In the game of Nim (Hardy and Wright, +1938), for example, this can be determined by writing the number of +matches in each pile in binary notation. These numbers are arranged in a +column (as though to add them). If the number of ones in each column is +even, the position is lost for the player about to move, otherwise won. + +If such an evaluation function f(P) can be found for a game is easy to +design a machine capable of perfect play. It would never lose or draw a +won position and never lose a drawn position and if the opponent ever made a +mistake the machine would capitalize on it. This could be done as follows: +Suppose + f(P)=1 for a won position, + f(P)=0 for a drawn position, + f(P)=-1 for a lost position. + +At the machine's turn to move it calculates f(P) for the various positions +obtained from the present position by each possible move that can be made. +It chooses that move (or one of the set) giving the maximum value to f. +In the case of Nim where such a function f(P) is known, a machine has +actually been constructed which plays a perfect game [3]. + +With chess it is possible, _in principle_, to play a perfect game or +construct a machine to do so as follows: One considers in a given position +all possible moves, then all moves for the opponent, etc., to the end of +the game (in each variation). The end must occur, by the rules of the +games after a finite number of moves [4] (remembering the 50 move drawing +rule). Each of these variations ends in win, loss or draw. By working +backward from the end one can determine whether there is a forced win, the +position is a draw or is lost. It is easy to show, however, even with the +high computing speed available in electronic calculators this computation +is impractical. In typical chess positions there will be of the order of +30 legal moves. The number holds fairly constant until the game is nearly +finished as shown in fig. 1. This graph was constructed from data given by +De Groot, who averaged the number of legal moves in a large number of +master games (De Groot, 1946, a). Thus a move for White and then one for +Black gives about 10^3 possibilities. A typical game lasts about 40 moves +to resignation of one party. This is conservative for our calculation +since the machine would calculate out to checkmate, not resignation. +However, even at this figure there will be 10^120 variations to be +calculated from the initial position. A machine operating at the rate of +one variation per micro-second would require over 10^90 years to calculate +the first move! + +Another (equally impractical) method is to have a "dictionary" of all +possible positions of the chess pieces. For each possible position there +is an entry giving the correct move (either calculated by the above +process or supplied by a chess master.) At the machine's turn to move it +merely looks up the position and makes the indicated move. The number of +possible positions, of the general order of 64! | 32! 8!^2 2!^6, or +roughly 10^43, naturally makes such a design unfeasible. + +It is clear then that the problem is not that of designing a machine to +play perfect chess (which is quite impractical) nor one which merely plays +legal chess (which is trivial). We would like to play a skilful game, +perhaps comparable to that of a good human player. + +A _strategy_ for chess may be described as a process for choosing a move +in any given position. If the process always chooses the same move in the +same position the strategy is known in the theory of games as a "pure" +strategy. If the process involves statistical elements and does not always +result in the same choice it is a "mixed" strategy. The following are +simple examples of strategies:- +(1) Number the possible legal moves in the position P, according to some +standard procedure. Choose the first on the list. This is a pure strategy. +(2) Number the legal moves and choose one at random from the list. This is +a mixed strategy. + +Both, of course, are extremely poor strategies, making no attempt to +select good moves. Our problem is to develop a tolerably good strategy for +selecting the move to be made. + + +3.APPROXIMATE EVALUATING FUNCTIONS + +Although in chess there is no known simple and exact evaluating function +f(P), and probably never will be because of the arbitrary and complicated +nature of the rules of the game, it is still possible to perform an +approximate evaluation of a position. Any good chess player must, in fact, +be able to perform such a position evaluation. Evaluations are based on +the general structure of the position, the number and kind of Black and +White pieces, pawn formation, mobility, etc. These evaluations are not +perfect, but the stronger the player the better his evaluations. +Most of the maxims and principles of correct play are really assertions +about evaluating positions, for example:- +(1) The relative values of queen, rook, bishop, knight and pawn are about +9, 5, 3, 3, 1, respectively. Thus other things being equal (!) if we add +the numbers of pieces for the two sides with these coefficients, the side +with the largest total has the better position. +(2) Rooks should be placed on open files. This is part of a more general +principle that the side with the greater mobility, other things equal, has +the better game. +(3) Backward, isolated and doubled pawns are weak. +(4) An exposed king is a weakness (until the end game). + +These and similar principles are only generalizations from empirical +evidence of numerous games, and only have a kind of statistical validity. +Probably any chess principle can be contradicted by particular counter +examples. However, form these principles one can construct a crude +evaluation function. The following is an example:- + +f(P)=200(K-K')+9(Q-Q')+5(R-R')+3(B-B'+N-N')+(P-P')-.5(D-D'+S-S'+I-I') ++.1(M-M')+... + +in which:- +K,Q,R,B,B,P are the number of White kings, queens, rooks, bishops, knights +and pawns on the board. + +D,S,I are doubled, backward and isolated White pawns. +M= White mobility (measured, say, as the number of legal moves available +to White). + +Primed letters are the similar quantities for Black. + +The coefficients .5 and .1 are merely the writer's rough estimate. +Furthermore, there are many other terms that should be included [5]. +The formula is given only for illustrative purposes. Checkmate has been +artificially included here by giving the king the large value 200 +(anything greater than the maximum of all other terms would do). + +It may be noted that this approximate evaluation f(P) has a more or less +continuous range of possible values, while with an exact evaluation there +are only three possible values. This is as it should be. In practical play +a position may be an "easy win" if a player is, for example, a queen +ahead, or a very difficult win with only a pawn advantage. +The unlimited intellect assumed in the theory of games, on the other hand, +never make a mistake and a smallest winning advantage is as good as mate +in one. A game between two such mental giants, Mr. A and Mr. B, would +proceed as follows. They sit down at the chessboard, draw the colours, and +then survey the pieces for a moment. Then either +(1) Mr. A says, "I resign" or +(2) Mr. B says, "I resign" or +(3) Mr. A says, "I offer a draw," and Mr. B replies, "I accept." + +4.STRATEGY BASED ON AN EVALUATION FUNCTION + +A very important point about the simple type of evaluation function given +above (and general principles of chess) is that they can only be applied +in relatively quiescent positions. For example, in an exchange of queens +White plays, say, QxQ (x=captures) and Black will reply while White is, +for a moment, a queen ahead, since Black will immediately recover it. More +generally it is meaningless to calculate an evaluation function of the +general type given above during the course of a combination or a series of +exchanges. + +More terms could be added to f(P) to account for exchanges in progress, +but it appears that combinations, and forced variations in general, are +better accounted for by examination of specific variations. This is, in +fact, the way chess players calculate. A certain number of variations are +investigated move by move until a more or less quiescent position is +reached and at this point something of the nature of an evaluation is +applied to the resulting position. The player chooses the variation +leading to the highest evaluation for him when the opponent is assumed to +be playing to reduce this evaluation. + +The process can be described mathematically. We omit at first the fact +that f(P) should be only applied in quiescent positions. A strategy of +play based on f(P) and operating one move deep is the following. Let M_1, +M_2, M_3, ..., M_s be the moves that can be made in position P and let +M_1P, M_2P, etc. denote symbolically the resulting positions when M_1, +M_2, etc. are applied to P. Then one chooses the M_m which maximizes +f(M_mP). + +A deeper strategy would consider the opponent's replies. Let M_i1, M_i2, +..., M_is be the possible answers by Black, if White chooses move M_i. +Black should play to minimize f(P). Furthermore, his choice occurs _after_ +White's move. Thus, if White plays M_i Black may be assumed to play the +M_ij such that + f(M_ijM_iP) +is a _minimum_. White should play his first move such that f is a maximum +after Black chooses his best reply. Therefore, White should play to +maximize on M_i the quantity + min f(M_ijM_iP) + M_ij + +The mathematical process involved is shown for simple case in fig.2. +The point at the left represents the position being considered. It is +assumed that there are three possible moves for White, indicated by the +solid lines, and if any of these is made there are three possible moves +for Black, indicated by the dashed lines. The possible positions after a +White and Black move are then the nine points on the right, and the +numbers are the evaluations for these positions. Minimizing on the upper +three gives +.1 which is the resulting value if White chooses the upper +variation and Black replies with his best move. Similarly, the second and +third moves lead to values of -7 and -6. Maximizing on White's move, we +obtain +.1 with the upper move as White's best choice. + +In a similar way a two-move strategy (based on considering all variations +out to 2 moves) is given by + Max Min Max Min f(M_ijkl M_ijk M_ij M_i P) + M_i M_ij M_ijk M_ijkl . . . . (1) + +The order of maximizing and minimizing this function is important. It +derives from the fact that the choices of moves occur in a definite order. + +A machine operating on this strategy at the two-move level would first +calculate all variations out to two moves (for each side) and the +resulting positions. The evaluations f(P) are calculated for each of these +positions. Fixing all but the last Black move, this last is varied and the +move chosen which minimizes f. This is Black's assumed last move in the +variation in question. Another move for White's second move is chosen and +the process repeated for Black's second move. This is done for each second +White move and the one chosen giving the target final f (after Black's +best assumed reply in each case). In his way White's second move in each +variation is determined. Continuing in this way the machine works back to +the present position and the best first White move. This move in then +played. This process generalizes in the obvious way for any number of +moves. + +A strategy of this sort, in which all variations are considered out to a +definite number of moves and the move then determined form a formula such +as (1) will be called type A strategy. The type A strategy has certain +basic weaknesses, which we will discuss later, but is conceptually simple, +and we will first show how a computer can be programmed for such a +strategy. + +5.PROGRAMMING a GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTER FOR A TYPE A STRATEGY + +We assume a large-scale digital computer, indicated schematically in Fig. +3, with the following properties:- +(1) There is a large internal memory for storing numbers. The memory is +divided into a number of boxes each capable of holding, say, a ten-digit +number. Each box is assigned a "box number". +(2) There is an arithmetic organ which can perform the elementary +operations of addition, multiplication, etc. +(3) The computer operates under the control of a "program". The program +consists of a sequence of elementary "orders". A typical order is A 372, +451, 133. This means, extract the contents of box 372 and of box 451, add +these numbers, and put the sum in box 133. Another type of order involves +a decision, for example C 291, 118, 345. This tells the machine to compare +the contents of box 291 and 118. If the first is larger the machine goes +on to the next order in the program. If not, it takes its next order from +box 345. This type of order enables the machine to choose from alternative +procedures, depending on the results of previous calculations. It is +assumed that orders are available for transferring numbers, the arithmetic +operations, and decisions. + +Our problem is to represent chess as numbers and operations on numbers, +and to reduce the strategy decided upon to a sequence of computer orders. +We will not carry this out in detail but only outline the programs. As a +colleague puts it, the final program for a computer must be written in +words of one microsyllable. + +The rather Procrustean tactics of forcing chess into an arithmetic +computer are dictated by economic considerations. Ideally, we would like +to design a special computer for chess containing, in place of the +arithmetic organ, a "chess organ" specifically designed to perform the +simple chess calculations. Although a large improvement in speed of +operation would undoubtedly result, the initial cost of computers seems +to prohibit such a possibility. It is planned, however, to experiment with +a simple strategy on one of the numerical computers now being constructed. + +A game of chess can be divided into three phases, the opening, the middle +game, and the end game. Different principles of play apply in the +different phases. In the opening, which generally lasts for about ten +moves, development of the pieces to good positions is the main objective. +During the middle game tactics and combinations are predominant. This +phase lasts until most of the pieces are exchanged, leaving only kings, +pawns and perhaps one or two pieces on each side. The end game is mainly +concerned with pawn promotion. Exact timing and such possibilities as +"Zugzwang", stalemate, etc., become important. + +Due to the difference in strategic aims, different programs should be used +for the different phases of a game. We will be chiefly concerned with the +middle game and will not consider the end game at all. There seems no +reason, however, why an end game strategy cannot be designed and +programmed equally well. + +A square on a chessboard can be occupied in 13 different ways: either it +is empty (o) or occupied by one of the six possible kinds of White pieces +(P=1, N=2, B=3, R=4, Q=5, K=6) or one of the six possible Black pieces +(P=-1, N=-2, ..., K=-6). Thus, the state of a square is specified by +giving an integer from -6 to +6. The 64 squares can be numbered according +to a co-ordinate system as shown in Fig. 4. The position of all pieces is +then given by a sequence of 64 numbers each lying between -6 and +6. A +total of 256 bits (binary digits) is sufficient memory in this +representation. Although not the most efficient encoding, it is a +convenient one for calculation. One further number lambda will be +1 or -1 +according as it is White's or Black's move. A few more should be added for +data relating to castling privileges (whether the White or Black kings and +rooks have moved), and en passant captures(e.g., a statement of the last +move). We will neglect these, however. In this notation the starting chess +position is given by:- +4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 2, 4; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; +0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; +-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1; -4, -2, -3, -5, -6, -3, -2, -4; ++1 (=lambda) + +A move (apart from castling and pawn promotion) can be specified by giving +the original and final squares occupied by the moved piece. each of these +squares is a choice from 64, thus 6 binary digits each is sufficient, a +total of 12 for the move. Thus the initial move P-K4 would be represented +by 1, 4; 3, 4. To represent pawn promotion on a set of three binary digits +can be added specifying the pieces that the pawn becomes. Castling is +described by the king move (this being the only way the king can move two +squares). Thus, a move is represented by (a, b, c) where a and b are +squares and c specifies a piece in case of promotion. + +The complete program for a type A strategy consists on nine subprograms +which we designate T_0, T_1, ..., T_8 and a master program T_9. The basic +functions of these programs are as follows:- +T_0 - Makes move (a, b, c) in position P to obtain the resulting position. +T_1 - Makes a list of the possible moves of a pawn at square (x, y) in +position P. +T_2, ..., T_6 - Similarly for other types of pieces: knight, bishop, rook, +queen and king. +T_7 - Makes list of all possible moves in a given position. +T_8 - Calculates the evaluating function f(P) for a given position P. +T_9 - Master program; performs maximizing and minimizing calculation to +determine proper move. + +With a given position P and a move (a, b, c) in the internal memory of the +machine it can make the move and obtain the resulting position by the +following program T_0. + +(1) The square corresponding to number a in the position is located in the +position memory. +(2) The number in this square x is extracted and replaced by 0 (empty). +(3) (a) If x=1, and the first co-ordinate of a is 6 (White pawn being +promoted) or if x=-1 and the first co-ordinate of a is 1 (Black pawn being +promoted), the number c is placed in square b (replacing whatever was +there). + (b) If x=6 and a-b=2 (White castles, king side) 0 is placed in squares +04 and 07 and 6 and 4 in squares 06 and 05, respectively. Similarly for +the cases x=6, b-a=2 (White castles, queen side) and x=-6, a-b=+-2 (Black +castles, king or queen side). + (c) In all other cases, x is placed in square b. +(4) The sign of lambda is changed. + +For each type of piece there is a program for determining its possible +moves. As a typical example the bishop program, T_3, is briefly as +follows. Let (x, y) be the co-ordinates of the square occupied by the +bishop. +(1) Construct (x+1,y+1) and read the contents u of this square in the +position P. +(2) If u=0 (empty) list the move (x, y), (x+1,y+1) and start over with +(x+2,y+2) instead of (x+1,y+1). +If lambda*u is positive (own piece in the square) continue to 3. +If lambda*u is negative (opponent's piece in the square) list the move and +continue to 3. +If the square does not exist continue to 3. +(3) Construct (x+1,y-1) and perform similar calculation. +(4) Similarly with (x-1,y+1). +(5) Similarly with (x-1,y-1). + +By this program a list is constructed of the possible moves of a bishop in +a given position P. Similar programs would list the moves of any other +piece. There is considerable scope for opportunism in simplifying these +programs; e.g., the queen program, T_5, can be a combination of the bishop +and rook program, T_3 and T_4. + +Using the piece programs T_1 ... T_6 and a controlling program T_7 the +machine can construct a list of all possible moves in any given position +P. The controlling program T_7 is briefly as follows (omitting details):- +(1) Start at square 1,1 and extract contents x. +(2) If lambda*x is positive start corresponding piece program T_x and when +complete return to (1) adding 1 to square number. If lambda8x is zero or +negative, return to 1 to square number. +(3) test each of the listed moves for legality and discard those which are +illegal. This is done by making each of the moves in the position P (by +program T_0) and examining whether it leaves the king in check. + +With the programs T_0 .... T_7 it is possible for the machine to play +legal chess, merely making a randomly chosen legal move at each turn to +move. The level of play with such a strategy in unbelievably bad [6]. +The writer played a few games against this random strategy and was able to +checkmate generally in four or five moves (by fool's mate, etc.). The +following game will illustrate the utter purposelessness of random play:- + + White (Random) Black + (1) P-KN3 P-K4 + (2) P-Q3 B-B4 + (3) B-Q2 Q-B3 + (4) N-QB3 QxP mate + +We now return to the strategy based on the evaluation f(P). The program +T_8 performs the function of evaluating a position according to the +agreed-upon f(P). This can be done by the obvious means of scanning the +squares and adding the terms involved. It is not difficult to include +terms such as doubled pawns, etc. + +The final master program T_9 is needed to select the move according to the +maximizing and minimizing process indicated above. On the basis of one +move (for each side) T_9 works as follows:- +(1) Lists the legal moves (by T_7) possible in the present position. +(2) Take the first in the list and make this move by T_0, giving position +M_1P. +(3) List the Black moves in M_1P. +(4) Apply the first one giving M_11 M_1 P, and evaluate by T_8. +(5) Apply the second Black move M_12 and evaluate. +(6) Compare, and reject the move with the smaller evaluation. +(7) Continue with the third Black move and compare with the retained +value, etc. +(8) When the Black moves are exhausted, one will be retained together +with its evaluation. The process is now repeated with the second White +move. +(9) The final evaluation from these two computation are compared and the +maximum retained. +(10) This is continued with all White moves until the best is selected +(i.e. the one remaining after all are tried). This is the move to be made. + +These programs are, of course, highly iterative. For that reason they +should not require a great deal of program memory if efficiently worked +out. + +The internal memory for positions and temporary results of calculations +when playing three moves deep can be estimated. Three positions should +probably be remembered: the initial position, the next to the last, and +the last position (now being evaluated). This requires some 800 bits. +Furthermore, there are five lists of moves each requiring about 30x12= 360 +bits, a total of 1800. Finally, about 200 bits would cover the selections +and evaluations up to the present calculation. Thus, some 3000 bits would +suffice. + + +6.IMPROVEMENTS IN THE STRATEGY + +Unfortunately a machine operating according to the type A strategy would +be both slow and a weak player. It would be slow since even if each +position were evaluated in one microsecond (very optimistic) there are +about 10^9 evaluations to be made after three moves (for each side). Thus, +more than 16 minutes would be required for a move, or 10 hours for its +half of a 40-move game. + +It would be weak in playing skill because it is only seeing three moves +deep and because we have not included any condition about quiescent +positions for evaluation. The machine is operating in an extremely +inefficient fashion - it computes all variations to exactly three moves +and then stops (even though it or the opponent be in check). A good +human player examines only a few selected variations and carries these out +to a reasonable stopping point. A world champion can construct (at best) +combinations say, 15 or 20 moves deep. Some variations given by Alekhine +("My Best Games of Chess 1924-1937") are of this length. Of course, only a +few variations are explored to any such depth. In amateur play variations +are seldom examined more deeply than six or eight moves, and this only +when the moves are of a highly forcing nature (with very limited possible +replies). More generally, when there are few threats and forceful moves, +most calculations are not deeper than one or two moves, with perhaps +half-a-dozen forcing variations explored to three, four or five moves. + +On this point a quotation from Reuben Fine (Fine 1942), a leading American +master, is interesting: "Very often people have the idea that masters +foresee everything or nearly everything; that when they played P-R3 on the +thirteenth move they foresaw that this would be needed to provide a +loophole for the king after the combinations twenty moves later, or even +that when they play 1 P-K4 they do it with the idea of preventing Kt-Q4 on +Black's twelfth turn, or they feel that everything is mathematically +calculated down to the smirk when the Queen's Rook Pawn queens one move +ahead of the opponent's King's Knight's Pawn. All this is, of course, pure +fantasy. The best course to follow is to note the major consequences for +two moves, but try to work out forced variations as they go." + +The amount of selection exercised by chess masters in examining possible +variations has been studied experimentally by De Groot (1946, b). He +showed various typical positions to chess masters and asked them to decide +on the best move, describing aloud their analyses of the positions as they +thought them through. In this manner the number and depth of the +variations examined could be determined. Fig. 5 shows the result of one +such experiment. In this case the chess master examined sixteen +variations, ranging in depth from 1/2 (one Black move) to 4-1/2 (five +Black and four White) moves. The total number of positions considered was +44. + +From these remarks it appears that to improve the speed and strength of +play the machine must:- +(1) Examine forceful variations out as far as possible and evaluate only +at reasonable positions, where some quasi-stability has been established. +(2) Select the variations to be explored by some process so that the machine +does not waste its time in totally pointless variations. + +A strategy with these two improvements will be called a type B strategy. +It is not difficult to construct programs incorporating these features. +For the first we define a function g(P) of a position which determines +whether approximate stability exists (no pieces en prise, etc.). A crude +definition might be: + + | 1 if any piece is attacked by a piece of lower value, + g(P) = / or by more pieces then defences of if any check exists + \ on a square controlled by opponent. + | 0 otherwise. + +Using this function, variations could be explored until g(P)=0, always, +however, going at least two moves and never more say, 10. + +The second improvement would require a function h(P,M) to decide whether a +move M in position P is worth exploring. It is important that this +preliminary screening should _not_ eliminate moves which merely look bad +at first sight, for example, a move which puts a piece en prise; +frequently such moves are actually very strong since the piece cannot be +safely taken. + +"Always give check, it may be mate" is tongue-in-check advice given to +beginners aimed at their predilection for useless checks. "Always +investigate a check, it may lead to mate" is sound advice for any player. +A check is the most forceful type of move. The opponent's replies are +highly limited - he can never answer by counter attack, for example. This +means that a variation starting with a check can be more readily +calculated than any other. Similarly captures, attacks on major pieces, +threats of mate, etc., limit the opponent's replies and should be +calculated whether the move looks good at first sight or not. Hence h(P,M) +should be given large values for all forceful moves (check, captures and +attacking moves), for developing moves, medium values for defensive moves, +and low values for other moves. In exploring a variation h(P,M) would be +calculated as the machine computes and would be used to select the +variation considered. As it gets further into the variation the +requirements on h are set higher so that fewer and fewer subvariations are +examined. Thus, it would start considering every first move for itself, +only the more forceful replies, etc. By this process its computing +efficiency would be greatly improved. + +It is believed that an electronic computer incorporating these two +improvements in the program would play a fairly strong game, at speeds +comparable to human speeds. It may be noted that a machine has several +advantages over humans:- +(1) High-speed operations in individual calculations. +(2) Freedom from errors. The only errors will be due to deficiencies of +the program while human players are continually guilty of very simple and +obvious blunders. +(3) Freedom from laziness. It is all too easy for a human player to make +instinctive moves without proper analysis of the position. +(4) Freedom from "never". Human players are prone to blunder due to +over-confidence in "won" positions or defeatism and self-recrimination in +"lost" positions. + +These must be balanced against the flexibility, imagination and inductive +and learning capacities of the human mind. + +Incidentally, the person who designs the program can calculate the move +that the machine will choose in any position, and thus in a sense can play +an equally good game. In actual facts, however, the calculation would be +impractical because of the time required. On a fair basis of comparison, +giving the machine and the designer equal time to decide on a move, the +machine might well play a stronger game. + +7.VARIATIONS IN PLAY AND IN STYLE + +As described so far the machine once designed would always make the same +move in the same position. If the opponent made the same moves this would +always lead to the same game. It is desirable to avoid this, since if the +opponent wins one game he could play the same variation and win +continuously, due perhaps to same particular position arising in the +variation where the machine chooses a very weak move. + +One way to prevent this is to leave a statistical element in the machine. +Whenever there are two or more moves which are of nearly equal value +according to the machine's calculations it chooses from them at random. In +the same position a second time it may then choose another in the set. + +The opening is another place where statistical variation can be +introduced. It would seem desirable to have a number of the standard +openings stored in a slow-sped memory in the machine. Perhaps a few +hundred would be satisfactory. For the first few moves (until either the +opponent deviates from the "book" or the end of the stored variation is +reached) the machine play by memory. This is hardly "cheating" since that +is the way chess masters play the opening. + +It is interesting that the "style" of play of the machine can be changed +very easily by altering some of the coefficients and numerical factors +involved in the evaluation function and the other programs. By placing +high values on positional weaknesses, etc., a positional-type player +results. By more intensive examination of forced variations it becomes a +combination player. Furthermore, the strength of the play can be easily +adjusted by changing the depth of calculation and by omitting or adding +terms to the evaluation function. + +Finally we may note that a machine of this type will play "brilliantly" up +to its limits. It will readily sacrifice a queen or other pieces in order +to gain more material later of to give checkmate provided the completion +of the combination occurs within its computing limits. + +The chief weakness is that the machine will not learn by mistakes. The +only way to improve its play is by improving the program. Some thought has +been given to designing a program which is self-improving but, although it +appears to be possible, the methods thought of so far do not seem to be +very practical. One possibility is to have a higher level program which +changes the terms and coefficients involved in the evaluation function +depending on the results of games the machine has played. Slam variations +might be introduced in these terms and the values selected to give the +greatest percentage of "wins". + +8.ANOTHER TYPE OF STRATEGY + +The strategies described above do not, of course, exhaust the +possibilities, In fact, there are undoubtedly others which are far more +efficient in the use of the available computing time on the machine. Even +with the improvements we have discussed the above strategy gives an +impression of relying too much on "brute force" calculations rather than +on logical analysis of a position. it plays something like a beginners at +chess who has been told some of the principles and is possessed of +tremendous energy and accuracy for calculation but has no experience with +the game. A chess master, on the other hand, has available knowledge of +hundreds or perhaps thousands of standard situations, stock combinations, +and common manoeuvres which occur time and again in the game. There are, for +example, the typical sacrifices of a knight at B7 or a bishop at R7, the +standard mates such as the "Philidor Legacy", manoeuvres based on pins, +forks, discoveries, promotion, etc. In a given position he recognizes some +similarity to a familiar situation and this directs his mental +calculations along the lines with greater probability of success. + +There is reason why a program base don such "type position" could not be +constructed. This would require, however, a rather formidable analysis of +the game. Although there are various books analysing combination play and +the middle game, they are written for human consumption, not for computing +machines. It is possible to give a person one or two specific examples of +a general situation and have him understand and apply the general +principles involved. With a computer an exact and completely explicit +characterization of the situation must be given with all limitations, +special cases, etc. taken into account. We are inclined to believe, +however, that if this were done a much more efficient program would +result. + +To program such a strategy we might suppose that any position in the machine +is accompanied by a rather elaborate analysis of the tactical +structure of the position suitably encoded. This analytical data will +state that, for example, the Black knight at B3 is pined by a bishop, that +the White rook at K1 cannot leave the back rank because of a threatened +mate on B8, that a White knight at R4 has no move, etc.; in short, all the +facts to which a chess player would ascribe importance in analysing +tactical possibilities. These data would be supplied by a program and +would be continually changed and kept up-to-date as the game progressed. +The analytical data would be used to trigger various other programs +depending on the particular nature of the position. A pinned piece should +be attacked. If a rook must guard the back rank it cannot guard the pawn +in front of it, etc. The machine obtains in this manner suggestions of +plausible moves to investigate. + +It is not being suggested that we should design the strategy in our own +image. Rather it should be matched to the capacities and weakness of the +computer. The computer is strong in speed and accuracy and weak in +analytical abilities and recognition. Hence, it should make more use of +brutal calculation than humans, but with possible variations increasing by +a factor of 10^3 every move, a little selection goes a long way forward +improving blind trial and error. + +ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. + +The writer in indebted to E.G. Andrews, L.N. Enequist and H.E. Singleton +for a number of suggestions that have been incorporated in the paper. + +October 8, 1948. + + +[1] The world championship match between Capablanca and Alekhine ended +with the score Alekhine 6, Capablanca 3, drawn 25. +[2] The fact that the number of moves remaining before a draw is called by +the 50-move rule has decreased does not affect the argument. +[3] Condon, Tawney and Derr, U.S. Patent 2,215,544. The "Nimotron" based +on this patent was built and exhibited by Westinghouse at the 1938 New +York World's Fair. +[4] The longest game is 6350 moves, allowing 50 moves between each pawn +move or capture. The longest tournament game on record between masters +lasted 168 moves, and the shortest four moves. (Chernev, Curious Chess +Facts, The Black Knight Press, 1937.) +[5] See Appendix I. +[6] Although there is a finite probability, of the order of 10^-75, that +random play would win a game from Botvinnik. Bad as random play is, there +are even worse strategies which choose moves which actually aid the +opponent. For example, White's strategy in the following game: 1. P-KB3, +P-K4. 2. P-KN4, Q-R5 mate. + +____________________________ + +APPENDIX. + +THE EVALUATION FUNCTION FOR CHESS + +The evaluation function f(P) should take into account the "long term" +advantages and disadvantages of a position, i.e. effects which may be +expected to persist over a number of moves longer than individual +variations are calculated. Thus the evaluation is mainly concerned with +positional or strategic considerations rather than combinatorial or +tactical ones. Of course there is no sharp line of division; many features +of a position are on the borderline. It appears, however, that the +following might properly be included in f(P):- +(1) Material advantage (difference in total material). +(2) Pawn formation: + (a) Backward, isolated and doubled pawns. + (b) Relative control of centre (pawns at K4,Q4,B4). + (c) Weakness of pawns near king (e.g. advanced KNP). + (d) Pawns on opposite colour squares from bishop. + (e) Passed pawns. +(3) Positions of pieces: + (a) Advanced knights (at K5,Q5,B5,K6,Q6,B6), especially if protected + by pawn and free from pawn attack. + (b) Rook on open file, or semi-open file. + (c) Rook on seventh rank. + (d) Doubled rooks. +(4) Commitments, attacks and options: + (a) Pieces which are required for guarding functions and, therefore, + committed and with limited mobility. + (b) Attacks on pieces which give one player an option of exchanging. + (c) Attacks on squares adjacent to king. + (d) Pins. We mean here immobilizing pins where the pinned piece is of + value not greater than the pinning piece; for example, a knight + pinned by a bishop. +(5) Mobility. + +These factors will apply in the middle game: during the opening and end +game different principles must be used. The relative values to be given +each of the above quantities is open to considerable debate, and should be +determined by some experimental procedure. There are also numerous other +factors which may well be worth inclusion. The more violent tactical +weapons, such as discovered checks, forks and pins by a piece of lower +value are omitted since they are best accounted for by the examination of +specific variations. + +REFERENCES + +Chernev, 1937, Curious Chess Facts, The Black Knight Press. +De Groot, A.D., 1946a, Het Denken van den Schaker 17-18, Amsterdam; 1946b, +Ibid., Amsterdam, 207. +Fine, R., 1942, Chess the easy Way, 79, David McKay. +Hardy and Wright, 1938, The Theory of Numbers, 116, Oxford. +Von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944, Theory of Games, 125, Princeton. +Vigneron, H., 1914, Les Automates, La Natura. +Wiener, N., 1948, Cybernetics, John Wiley. + + diff --git a/res/txt/uci-specs.txt b/res/txt/uci-specs.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b6e697 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/txt/uci-specs.txt @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ + + +Description of the universal chess interface (UCI) April 2006 +================================================================= + +* The specification is independent of the operating system. For Windows, + the engine is a normal exe file, either a console or "real" windows application. + +* all communication is done via standard input and output with text commands, + +* The engine should boot and wait for input from the GUI, + the engine should wait for the "isready" or "setoption" command to set up its internal parameters + as the boot process should be as quick as possible. + +* the engine must always be able to process input from stdin, even while thinking. + +* all command strings the engine receives will end with '\n', + also all commands the GUI receives should end with '\n', + Note: '\n' can be 0x0d or 0x0a0d or any combination depending on your OS. + If you use Engine and GUI in the same OS this should be no problem if you communicate in text mode, + but be aware of this when for example running a Linux engine in a Windows GUI. + +* arbitrary white space between tokens is allowed + Example: "debug on\n" and " debug on \n" and "\t debug \t \t\ton\t \n" + all set the debug mode of the engine on. + +* The engine will always be in forced mode which means it should never start calculating + or pondering without receiving a "go" command first. + +* Before the engine is asked to search on a position, there will always be a position command + to tell the engine about the current position. + +* by default all the opening book handling is done by the GUI, + but there is an option for the engine to use its own book ("OwnBook" option, see below) + +* if the engine or the GUI receives an unknown command or token it should just ignore it and try to + parse the rest of the string in this line. + Examples: "joho debug on\n" should switch the debug mode on given that joho is not defined, + "debug joho on\n" will be undefined however. + +* if the engine receives a command which is not supposed to come, for example "stop" when the engine is + not calculating, it should also just ignore it. + + +Move format: +------------ + +The move format is in long algebraic notation. +A nullmove from the Engine to the GUI should be sent as 0000. +Examples: e2e4, e7e5, e1g1 (white short castling), e7e8q (for promotion) + + + +GUI to engine: +-------------- + +These are all the command the engine gets from the interface. + +* uci + tell engine to use the uci (universal chess interface), + this will be sent once as a first command after program boot + to tell the engine to switch to uci mode. + After receiving the uci command the engine must identify itself with the "id" command + and send the "option" commands to tell the GUI which engine settings the engine supports if any. + After that the engine should send "uciok" to acknowledge the uci mode. + If no uciok is sent within a certain time period, the engine task will be killed by the GUI. + +* debug [ on | off ] + switch the debug mode of the engine on and off. + In debug mode the engine should send additional infos to the GUI, e.g. with the "info string" command, + to help debugging, e.g. the commands that the engine has received etc. + This mode should be switched off by default and this command can be sent + any time, also when the engine is thinking. + +* isready + this is used to synchronize the engine with the GUI. When the GUI has sent a command or + multiple commands that can take some time to complete, + this command can be used to wait for the engine to be ready again or + to ping the engine to find out if it is still alive. + E.g. this should be sent after setting the path to the tablebases as this can take some time. + This command is also required once before the engine is asked to do any search + to wait for the engine to finish initializing. + This command must always be answered with "readyok" and can be sent also when the engine is calculating + in which case the engine should also immediately answer with "readyok" without stopping the search. + +* setoption name [value ] + this is sent to the engine when the user wants to change the internal parameters + of the engine. For the "button" type no value is needed. + One string will be sent for each parameter and this will only be sent when the engine is waiting. + The name and value of the option in should not be case sensitive and can inlude spaces. + The substrings "value" and "name" should be avoided in and to allow unambiguous parsing, + for example do not use = "draw value". + Here are some strings for the example below: + "setoption name Nullmove value true\n" + "setoption name Selectivity value 3\n" + "setoption name Style value Risky\n" + "setoption name Clear Hash\n" + "setoption name NalimovPath value c:\chess\tb\4;c:\chess\tb\5\n" + +* register + this is the command to try to register an engine or to tell the engine that registration + will be done later. This command should always be sent if the engine has sent "registration error" + at program startup. + The following tokens are allowed: + * later + the user doesn't want to register the engine now. + * name + the engine should be registered with the name + * code + the engine should be registered with the code + Example: + "register later" + "register name Stefan MK code 4359874324" + +* ucinewgame + this is sent to the engine when the next search (started with "position" and "go") will be from + a different game. This can be a new game the engine should play or a new game it should analyse but + also the next position from a testsuite with positions only. + If the GUI hasn't sent a "ucinewgame" before the first "position" command, the engine shouldn't + expect any further ucinewgame commands as the GUI is probably not supporting the ucinewgame command. + So the engine should not rely on this command even though all new GUIs should support it. + As the engine's reaction to "ucinewgame" can take some time the GUI should always send "isready" + after "ucinewgame" to wait for the engine to finish its operation. + +* position [fen | startpos ] moves .... + set up the position described in fenstring on the internal board and + play the moves on the internal chess board. + if the game was played from the start position the string "startpos" will be sent + Note: no "new" command is needed. However, if this position is from a different game than + the last position sent to the engine, the GUI should have sent a "ucinewgame" inbetween. + +* go + start calculating on the current position set up with the "position" command. + There are a number of commands that can follow this command, all will be sent in the same string. + If one command is not sent its value should be interpreted as it would not influence the search. + * searchmoves .... + restrict search to this moves only + Example: After "position startpos" and "go infinite searchmoves e2e4 d2d4" + the engine should only search the two moves e2e4 and d2d4 in the initial position. + * ponder + start searching in pondering mode. + Do not exit the search in ponder mode, even if it's mate! + This means that the last move sent in in the position string is the ponder move. + The engine can do what it wants to do, but after a "ponderhit" command + it should execute the suggested move to ponder on. This means that the ponder move sent by + the GUI can be interpreted as a recommendation about which move to ponder. However, if the + engine decides to ponder on a different move, it should not display any mainlines as they are + likely to be misinterpreted by the GUI because the GUI expects the engine to ponder + on the suggested move. + * wtime + white has x msec left on the clock + * btime + black has x msec left on the clock + * winc + white increment per move in mseconds if x > 0 + * binc + black increment per move in mseconds if x > 0 + * movestogo + there are x moves to the next time control, + this will only be sent if x > 0, + if you don't get this and get the wtime and btime it's sudden death + * depth + search x plies only. + * nodes + search x nodes only, + * mate + search for a mate in x moves + * movetime + search exactly x mseconds + * infinite + search until the "stop" command. Do not exit the search without being told so in this mode! + +* stop + stop calculating as soon as possible, + don't forget the "bestmove" and possibly the "ponder" token when finishing the search + +* ponderhit + the user has played the expected move. This will be sent if the engine was told to ponder on the same move + the user has played. The engine should continue searching but switch from pondering to normal search. + +* quit + quit the program as soon as possible + + +Engine to GUI: +-------------- + +* id + * name + this must be sent after receiving the "uci" command to identify the engine, + e.g. "id name Shredder X.Y\n" + * author + this must be sent after receiving the "uci" command to identify the engine, + e.g. "id author Stefan MK\n" + +* uciok + Must be sent after the id and optional options to tell the GUI that the engine + has sent all infos and is ready in uci mode. + +* readyok + This must be sent when the engine has received an "isready" command and has + processed all input and is ready to accept new commands now. + It is usually sent after a command that can take some time to be able to wait for the engine, + but it can be used anytime, even when the engine is searching, + and must always be answered with "isready". + +* bestmove [ ponder ] + the engine has stopped searching and found the move best in this position. + the engine can send the move it likes to ponder on. The engine must not start pondering automatically. + this command must always be sent if the engine stops searching, also in pondering mode if there is a + "stop" command, so for every "go" command a "bestmove" command is needed! + Directly before that the engine should send a final "info" command with the final search information, + the the GUI has the complete statistics about the last search. + +* copyprotection + this is needed for copyprotected engines. After the uciok command the engine can tell the GUI, + that it will check the copy protection now. This is done by "copyprotection checking". + If the check is ok the engine should send "copyprotection ok", otherwise "copyprotection error". + If there is an error the engine should not function properly but should not quit alone. + If the engine reports "copyprotection error" the GUI should not use this engine + and display an error message instead! + The code in the engine can look like this + TellGUI("copyprotection checking\n"); + // ... check the copy protection here ... + if(ok) + TellGUI("copyprotection ok\n"); + else + TellGUI("copyprotection error\n"); + +* registration + this is needed for engines that need a username and/or a code to function with all features. + Analog to the "copyprotection" command the engine can send "registration checking" + after the uciok command followed by either "registration ok" or "registration error". + Also after every attempt to register the engine it should answer with "registration checking" + and then either "registration ok" or "registration error". + In contrast to the "copyprotection" command, the GUI can use the engine after the engine has + reported an error, but should inform the user that the engine is not properly registered + and might not use all its features. + In addition the GUI should offer to open a dialog to + enable registration of the engine. To try to register an engine the GUI can send + the "register" command. + The GUI has to always answer with the "register" command if the engine sends "registration error" + at engine startup (this can also be done with "register later") + and tell the user somehow that the engine is not registered. + This way the engine knows that the GUI can deal with the registration procedure and the user + will be informed that the engine is not properly registered. + +* info + the engine wants to send information to the GUI. This should be done whenever one of the info has changed. + The engine can send only selected infos or multiple infos with one info command, + e.g. "info currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 1" or + "info depth 12 nodes 123456 nps 100000". + Also all infos belonging to the pv should be sent together + e.g. "info depth 2 score cp 214 time 1242 nodes 2124 nps 34928 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3" + I suggest to start sending "currmove", "currmovenumber", "currline" and "refutation" only after one second + to avoid too much traffic. + Additional info: + * depth + search depth in plies + * seldepth + selective search depth in plies, + if the engine sends seldepth there must also be a "depth" present in the same string. + * time + the time searched in ms, this should be sent together with the pv. + * nodes + x nodes searched, the engine should send this info regularly + * pv ... + the best line found + * multipv + this for the multi pv mode. + for the best move/pv add "multipv 1" in the string when you send the pv. + in k-best mode always send all k variants in k strings together. + * score + * cp + the score from the engine's point of view in centipawns. + * mate + mate in y moves, not plies. + If the engine is getting mated use negative values for y. + * lowerbound + the score is just a lower bound. + * upperbound + the score is just an upper bound. + * currmove + currently searching this move + * currmovenumber + currently searching move number x, for the first move x should be 1 not 0. + * hashfull + the hash is x permill full, the engine should send this info regularly + * nps + x nodes per second searched, the engine should send this info regularly + * tbhits + x positions where found in the endgame table bases + * sbhits + x positions where found in the shredder endgame databases + * cpuload + the cpu usage of the engine is x permill. + * string + any string str which will be displayed be the engine, + if there is a string command the rest of the line will be interpreted as . + * refutation ... + move is refuted by the line ... , i can be any number >= 1. + Example: after move d1h5 is searched, the engine can send + "info refutation d1h5 g6h5" + if g6h5 is the best answer after d1h5 or if g6h5 refutes the move d1h5. + if there is no refutation for d1h5 found, the engine should just send + "info refutation d1h5" + The engine should only send this if the option "UCI_ShowRefutations" is set to true. + * currline ... + this is the current line the engine is calculating. is the number of the cpu if + the engine is running on more than one cpu. = 1,2,3.... + if the engine is just using one cpu, can be omitted. + If is greater than 1, always send all k lines in k strings together. + The engine should only send this if the option "UCI_ShowCurrLine" is set to true. + + +* option + This command tells the GUI which parameters can be changed in the engine. + This should be sent once at engine startup after the "uci" and the "id" commands + if any parameter can be changed in the engine. + The GUI should parse this and build a dialog for the user to change the settings. + Note that not every option needs to appear in this dialog as some options like + "Ponder", "UCI_AnalyseMode", etc. are better handled elsewhere or are set automatically. + If the user wants to change some settings, the GUI will send a "setoption" command to the engine. + Note that the GUI need not send the setoption command when starting the engine for every option if + it doesn't want to change the default value. + For all allowed combinations see the examples below, + as some combinations of this tokens don't make sense. + One string will be sent for each parameter. + * name + The option has the name id. + Certain options have a fixed value for , which means that the semantics of this option is fixed. + Usually those options should not be displayed in the normal engine options window of the GUI but + get a special treatment. "Pondering" for example should be set automatically when pondering is + enabled or disabled in the GUI options. The same for "UCI_AnalyseMode" which should also be set + automatically by the GUI. All those certain options have the prefix "UCI_" except for the + first 6 options below. If the GUI gets an unknown Option with the prefix "UCI_", it should just + ignore it and not display it in the engine's options dialog. + * = Hash, type is spin + the value in MB for memory for hash tables can be changed, + this should be answered with the first "setoptions" command at program boot + if the engine has sent the appropriate "option name Hash" command, + which should be supported by all engines! + So the engine should use a very small hash first as default. + * = NalimovPath, type string + this is the path on the hard disk to the Nalimov compressed format. + Multiple directories can be concatenated with ";" + * = NalimovCache, type spin + this is the size in MB for the cache for the nalimov table bases + These last two options should also be present in the initial options exchange dialog + when the engine is booted if the engine supports it + * = Ponder, type check + this means that the engine is able to ponder. + The GUI will send this whenever pondering is possible or not. + Note: The engine should not start pondering on its own if this is enabled, this option is only + needed because the engine might change its time management algorithm when pondering is allowed. + * = OwnBook, type check + this means that the engine has its own book which is accessed by the engine itself. + if this is set, the engine takes care of the opening book and the GUI will never + execute a move out of its book for the engine. If this is set to false by the GUI, + the engine should not access its own book. + * = MultiPV, type spin + the engine supports multi best line or k-best mode. the default value is 1 + * = UCI_ShowCurrLine, type check, should be false by default, + the engine can show the current line it is calculating. see "info currline" above. + * = UCI_ShowRefutations, type check, should be false by default, + the engine can show a move and its refutation in a line. see "info refutations" above. + * = UCI_LimitStrength, type check, should be false by default, + The engine is able to limit its strength to a specific Elo number, + This should always be implemented together with "UCI_Elo". + * = UCI_Elo, type spin + The engine can limit its strength in Elo within this interval. + If UCI_LimitStrength is set to false, this value should be ignored. + If UCI_LimitStrength is set to true, the engine should play with this specific strength. + This should always be implemented together with "UCI_LimitStrength". + * = UCI_AnalyseMode, type check + The engine wants to behave differently when analysing or playing a game. + For example when playing it can use some kind of learning. + This is set to false if the engine is playing a game, otherwise it is true. + * = UCI_Opponent, type string + With this command the GUI can send the name, title, elo and if the engine is playing a human + or computer to the engine. + The format of the string has to be [GM|IM|FM|WGM|WIM|none] [|none] [computer|human] + Examples: + "setoption name UCI_Opponent value GM 2800 human Gary Kasparov" + "setoption name UCI_Opponent value none none computer Shredder" + * = UCI_EngineAbout, type string + With this command, the engine tells the GUI information about itself, for example a license text, + usually it doesn't make sense that the GUI changes this text with the setoption command. + Example: + "option name UCI_EngineAbout type string default Shredder by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, see" + * = UCI_ShredderbasesPath, type string + this is either the path to the folder on the hard disk containing the Shredder endgame databases or + the path and filename of one Shredder endgame datbase. + * = UCI_SetPositionValue, type string + the GUI can send this to the engine to tell the engine to use a certain value in centipawns from white's + point of view if evaluating this specifix position. + The string can have the formats: + + | clear + | clearall + + * type + The option has type t. + There are 5 different types of options the engine can send + * check + a checkbox that can either be true or false + * spin + a spin wheel that can be an integer in a certain range + * combo + a combo box that can have different predefined strings as a value + * button + a button that can be pressed to send a command to the engine + * string + a text field that has a string as a value, + an empty string has the value "" + * default + the default value of this parameter is x + * min + the minimum value of this parameter is x + * max + the maximum value of this parameter is x + * var + a predefined value of this parameter is x + Examples: + Here are 5 strings for each of the 5 possible types of options + "option name Nullmove type check default true\n" + "option name Selectivity type spin default 2 min 0 max 4\n" + "option name Style type combo default Normal var Solid var Normal var Risky\n" + "option name NalimovPath type string default c:\\n" + "option name Clear Hash type button\n" + + + +Examples: +--------- + +This is how the communication when the engine boots can look like: + +GUI engine + +// tell the engine to switch to UCI mode +uci + +// engine identify + id name Shredder + id author Stefan MK + +// engine sends the options it can change +// the engine can change the hash size from 1 to 128 MB + option name Hash type spin default 1 min 1 max 128 + +// the engine supports Nalimov endgame tablebases + option name NalimovPath type string default + option name NalimovCache type spin default 1 min 1 max 32 + +// the engine can switch off Nullmove and set the playing style + option name Nullmove type check default true + option name Style type combo default Normal var Solid var Normal var Risky + +// the engine has sent all parameters and is ready + uciok + +// Note: here the GUI can already send a "quit" command if it just wants to find out +// details about the engine, so the engine should not initialize its internal +// parameters before here. +// now the GUI sets some values in the engine +// set hash to 32 MB +setoption name Hash value 32 + +// init tbs +setoption name NalimovCache value 1 +setoption name NalimovPath value d:\tb;c\tb + +// waiting for the engine to finish initializing +// this command and the answer is required here! +isready + +// engine has finished setting up the internal values + readyok + +// now we are ready to go + +// if the GUI is supporting it, tell the engine that is is +// searching on a game that it hasn't searched on before +ucinewgame + +// if the engine supports the "UCI_AnalyseMode" option and the next search is supposed to +// be an analysis, the GUI should set "UCI_AnalyseMode" to true if it is currently +// set to false with this engine +setoption name UCI_AnalyseMode value true + +// tell the engine to search infinite from the start position after 1.e4 e5 +position startpos moves e2e4 e7e5 +go infinite + +// the engine starts sending infos about the search to the GUI +// (only some examples are given) + + + info depth 1 seldepth 0 + info score cp 13 depth 1 nodes 13 time 15 pv f1b5 + info depth 2 seldepth 2 + info nps 15937 + info score cp 14 depth 2 nodes 255 time 15 pv f1c4 f8c5 + info depth 2 seldepth 7 nodes 255 + info depth 3 seldepth 7 + info nps 26437 + info score cp 20 depth 3 nodes 423 time 15 pv f1c4 g8f6 b1c3 + info nps 41562 + .... + + +// here the user has seen enough and asks to stop the searching +stop + +// the engine has finished searching and is sending the bestmove command +// which is needed for every "go" command sent to tell the GUI +// that the engine is ready again + bestmove g1f3 ponder d8f6 + + + +Chess960 +======== + +UCI could easily be extended to support Chess960 (also known as Fischer Random Chess). + +The engine has to tell the GUI that it is capable of playing Chess960 and the GUI has to tell +the engine that is should play according to the Chess960 rules. +This is done by the special engine option UCI_Chess960. If the engine knows about Chess960 +it should send the command 'option name UCI_Chess960 type check default false' +to the GUI at program startup. +Whenever a Chess960 game is played, the GUI should set this engine option to 'true'. + +Castling is different in Chess960 and the white king move when castling short is not always e1g1. +A king move could both be the castling king move or just a normal king move. +This is why castling moves are sent in the form king "takes" his own rook. +Example: e1h1 for the white short castle move in the normal chess start position. + +In EPD and FEN position strings specifying the castle rights with w and q is not enough as +there could be more than one rook on the right or left side of the king. +This is why the castle rights are specified with the letter of the castle rook's line. +Upper case letters for white's and lower case letters for black's castling rights. +Example: The normal chess position would be: +rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w AHah - +