Vatu ==== Dumb chess engine written in Rust for fun. Features -------- - [UCI][cpw-uci] - Barely optimized board, position and moves representations - Simple [negamax][cpw-negamax] for node evaluation - [Alpha-beta][cpw-ab] search tree pruning for speeding searches [cpw-uci]: [cpw-negamax]: [cpw-ab]: Last time I checked it ran approximately at 10000 nps. Thanks to UCI the bot can run with most compatible software; [Cutechess][cc] has been used for testing. [cc]: Usage ----- ### Build With Cargo: ```bash cargo build --release ``` With Docker, to avoid setting up a Rust toolchain: ```bash docker build -f res/docker/Dockerfile -t vatu-builder --target builder . docker create vatu-builder # Returns a container ID. docker cp :/src/target/release/vatu . docker rm docker rmi vatu-builder ``` ### Run If you built it with Cargo, the binary is in `target/release`. ```bash ./vatu ``` To run your own instance of the bot on Lichess (why would you do that?), create a bot account and get an OAuth token. Then using the full Docker image: ```bash # Fetch the lichess-bot submodule. git submodule update --init --recursive # Copy the config.yml template to your own copy and modify it. cp external/lichess-bot/config.yml.example /tmp/vatu-config/config.yml # Build the image. Make sure config.yml is not there to not embed it! docker build -f res/docker/Dockerfile -t vatu . # Run with the config folder mounted at /config. docker run -v /tmp/vatu-config:/config -ti vatu # In the container, use the following command: python --config /config/config.yml ``` TODO ---- - [X] Support time constraints - [ ] Unmake mechanism instead of allocating nodes like there is no tomorrow - [X] Precompute some pieces moves, maybe (done for knights) - [ ] Transposition table that does not actually slows search down - [ ] Check Zobrist hashes for previous point - [X] Actual bitboard - [ ] Some kind of move ordering could be great - [ ] Multithreading (never)