//! Board statistics used for heuristics. use crate::board::*; use crate::rules::{GameState, get_player_moves, POS_MIN, POS_MAX}; /// Storage for board pieces stats. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct BoardStats { pub num_pawns: i8, pub num_bishops: i8, pub num_knights: i8, pub num_rooks: i8, pub num_queens: i8, pub num_kings: i8, pub num_doubled_pawns: i8, // Pawns that are on the same file as a friend. pub num_backward_pawns: i8, // Pawns behind all other pawns on adjacent files. pub num_isolated_pawns: i8, // Pawns that have no friend pawns on adjacent files. pub mobility: i32, } impl BoardStats { pub const fn new() -> BoardStats { BoardStats { num_pawns: 0, num_bishops: 0, num_knights: 0, num_rooks: 0, num_queens: 0, num_kings: 0, num_doubled_pawns: 0, num_backward_pawns: 0, num_isolated_pawns: 0, mobility: 0, } } /// Create two new BoardStats objects from the board, for both sides. /// /// The playing color will have its stats filled in the first /// BoardStats object, its opponent in the second. pub fn new_from(board: &Board, game_state: &GameState) -> (BoardStats, BoardStats) { let mut stats = (BoardStats::new(), BoardStats::new()); let mut gs = game_state.clone(); stats.0.compute(board, &gs); gs.color = opposite(gs.color); stats.1.compute(board, &gs); stats } /// Reset all stats to 0. pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.num_pawns = 0; self.num_bishops = 0; self.num_knights = 0; self.num_rooks = 0; self.num_queens = 0; self.num_kings = 0; self.num_doubled_pawns = 0; self.num_backward_pawns = 0; self.num_isolated_pawns = 0; self.mobility = 0; } /// Fill `stats` from given `board` and `game_state`. /// /// Only the current playing side stats are created, /// prepare the game_state accordingly. pub fn compute(&mut self, board: &Board, game_state: &GameState) { self.reset(); let color = game_state.color; // Compute mobility for all pieces. self.mobility = get_player_moves(board, game_state, false).len() as i32; // Compute amount of each piece. for file in 0..8 { for rank in 0..8 { let square = sq(file, rank); if board.is_empty(square) || board.get_color_on(square) != color { continue } match board.get_piece_on(square) { ROOK => self.num_rooks += 1, KNIGHT => self.num_knights += 1, BISHOP => self.num_bishops += 1, QUEEN => self.num_queens += 1, KING => self.num_kings += 1, PAWN => { self.num_pawns += 1; let pawn_bb = board.by_color_and_piece(color, PAWN); // Check for doubled pawns. let file_bb = FILES[file as usize]; if (pawn_bb ^ bit_pos(square)) & file_bb != 0 { self.num_doubled_pawns += 1; } // Check for isolated and backward pawns. let (iso_on_prev_file, bw_on_prev_file) = if file > POS_MIN { self.find_isolated_and_backward(pawn_bb, square, color, file - 1) } else { (true, true) }; let (iso_on_next_file, bw_on_next_file) = if file < POS_MAX { self.find_isolated_and_backward(pawn_bb, square, color, file + 1) } else { (true, true) }; if iso_on_prev_file && iso_on_next_file { self.num_isolated_pawns += 1; } if bw_on_prev_file && bw_on_next_file { self.num_backward_pawns += 1; } }, _ => {} } } } } /// Find isolated and backward pawns from `square` perspective. /// /// `bb` is the bitboard of `color`. `square` is only used to have /// the reference rank. `file` is the file to inspect. To detect /// isolated and backward pawns, `bb` should be the bitboard of /// pawns of `color`. fn find_isolated_and_backward( &mut self, bb: Bitboard, square: Square, color: Color, file: i8 ) -> (bool, bool) { if bb & FILES[file as usize] == 0 { // If the piece is isolated for this file, it's backward as well. (true, true) } else { let backward_file_bb = if color == WHITE { before_on_file(file, sq_rank(square)) | bit_pos(sq(file, sq_rank(square))) } else { after_on_file(file, sq_rank(square)) | bit_pos(sq(file, sq_rank(square))) }; (false, bb & backward_file_bb == 0) } } } impl std::fmt::Display for BoardStats { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}P {}B {}N {}R {}Q {}K {}dp {}bp {}ip {}m", self.num_pawns, self.num_bishops, self.num_knights, self.num_rooks, self.num_queens, self.num_kings, self.num_doubled_pawns, self.num_backward_pawns, self.num_isolated_pawns, self.mobility ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_compute_stats() { // Check that initial stats are correct. let b = Board::new(); let gs = GameState::new(); let initial_stats = BoardStats { num_pawns: 8, num_bishops: 2, num_knights: 2, num_rooks: 2, num_queens: 1, num_kings: 1, num_doubled_pawns: 0, num_backward_pawns: 0, num_isolated_pawns: 0, mobility: 20, }; let mut stats = BoardStats::new_from(&b, &gs); assert!(stats.0 == stats.1); assert!(stats.0 == initial_stats); // Check that doubled pawns are correctly counted. let mut b = Board::new_empty(); b.set_square(D4, WHITE, PAWN); b.set_square(D6, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2); // Add a pawn on another file, no changes expected. b.set_square(E6, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2); // Add a pawn backward in the d-file: there are now 3 doubled pawns. b.set_square(D2, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 3); // Check that isolated and backward pawns are correctly counted. assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 2); // A bit weird? // Protect d4 pawn with a friend in e3: it is not isolated nor backward anymore. b.set_square(E3, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1); // Add an adjacent friend to d2 pawn: no pawns are left isolated or backward. b.set_square(C2, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 0); // Add an isolated/backward white pawn in a far file. b.set_square(A2, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 5); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 1); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1); // Check for pawns that are backward but not isolated. let mut b = Board::new_empty(); // Here, d4 pawn protects both e5 and e3, but it is backward. b.set_square(D4, WHITE, PAWN); b.set_square(E5, WHITE, PAWN); b.set_square(E3, WHITE, PAWN); stats.0.compute(&b, &gs); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_doubled_pawns, 2); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_isolated_pawns, 0); assert_eq!(stats.0.num_backward_pawns, 1); } }