//! Functions to determine legal moves. use crate::board::*; /// Get a list of legal moves for all pieces of either white or black. pub fn get_legal_player_moves(board: &Board, color: u8) -> Vec { let mut moves = vec!(); for r in 0..8 { for f in 0..8 { if is_color(get_square(board, (f, r)), color) { moves.append(&mut get_legal_piece_moves(board, (f, r))); } } } moves } /// Get a list of legal moves for the piece at position `at`. pub fn get_legal_piece_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos) -> Vec { match get_square(board, at) { p if is_piece(p, SQ_P) => get_legal_pawn_moves(board, at, p), p if is_piece(p, SQ_B) => get_legal_bishop_moves(board, at, p), p if is_piece(p, SQ_N) => get_legal_knight_moves(board, at, p), p if is_piece(p, SQ_R) => get_legal_rook_moves(board, at, p), p if is_piece(p, SQ_Q) => get_legal_queen_moves(board, at, p), p if is_piece(p, SQ_K) => get_legal_king_moves(board, at, p), _ => vec!(), } } fn get_legal_pawn_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let (f, r) = at; let mut moves = vec!(); let movement: i8 = if is_white(piece) { 1 } else { -1 }; // Check 1 or 2 square forward. let move_len = if (is_white(piece) && r == 1) || (is_black(piece) && r == 6) { 2 } else { 1 }; for i in 1..=move_len { let forward_r = r + movement * i; if movement > 0 && forward_r > POS_MAX { return moves } if movement < 0 && forward_r < POS_MIN { return moves } let forward: Pos = (f, forward_r); if is_empty(board, forward) { moves.push((at, forward)) } // Check diagonals for pieces to attack. if i == 1 { let df = f - 1; if df >= POS_MIN { let diag: Pos = (df, forward_r); if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, diag), diag) { moves.push(m); } } let df = f + 1; if df <= POS_MAX { let diag: Pos = (df, forward_r); if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, diag), diag) { moves.push(m); } } } // TODO en passant } moves } fn get_legal_bishop_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let (f, r) = at; let mut sight = [true; 4]; // Store diagonals where a piece blocks sight. let mut moves = vec!(); for dist in 1..=7 { for (dir, offset) in [(1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)].iter().enumerate() { if !sight[dir] { continue } let p = (f + offset.0 * dist, r + offset.1 * dist); if !is_valid_pos(p) { continue } if is_empty(board, p) { moves.push((at, p)); } else { if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, p), p) { moves.push(m); } sight[dir] = false; // Stop looking in that direction. } } } moves } fn get_legal_knight_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let (f, r) = at; let mut moves = vec!(); for offset in [(1, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (1, -2), (-1, -2), (-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2)].iter() { let p = (f + offset.0, r + offset.1); if !is_valid_pos(p) { continue } if is_empty(board, p) { moves.push((at, p)); } else if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, p), p) { moves.push(m); } } moves } fn get_legal_rook_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let (f, r) = at; let mut moves = vec!(); let mut sight = [true; 4]; // Store lines where a piece blocks sight. for dist in 1..=7 { for (dir, offset) in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)].iter().enumerate() { if !sight[dir] { continue } let p = (f + offset.0 * dist, r + offset.1 * dist); if !is_valid_pos(p) { continue } if is_empty(board, p) { moves.push((at, p)); } else { if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, p), p) { moves.push(m); } sight[dir] = false; // Stop looking in that direction. } } } moves } fn get_legal_queen_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let mut moves = vec!(); // Easy way to get queen moves, but may be a bit quicker if everything was rewritten here. moves.append(&mut get_legal_bishop_moves(board, at, piece)); moves.append(&mut get_legal_rook_moves(board, at, piece)); moves } fn get_legal_king_moves(board: &Board, at: Pos, piece: u8) -> Vec { let (f, r) = at; let mut moves = vec!(); for offset in [(-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1)].iter() { let p = (f + offset.0, r + offset.1); if !is_valid_pos(p) { continue } if is_empty(board, p) { moves.push((at, p)); } else if let Some(m) = move_on_enemy(piece, at, get_square(board, p), p) { moves.push(m); } } // TODO castling moves } /// Return a move from pos1 to pos2 if piece1 & piece2 are enemies. fn move_on_enemy(piece1: u8, pos1: Pos, piece2: u8, pos2: Pos) -> Option { if (is_white(piece1) && is_black(piece2)) || (is_black(piece1) && is_white(piece2)) { Some((pos1, pos2)) } else { None } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_get_legal_player_moves() { let b = new(); // At first move, white has 16 pawn moves and 4 knight moves. let moves = get_legal_player_moves(&b, SQ_WH); assert_eq!(moves.len(), 20); } #[test] fn test_get_legal_pawn_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); // Check that a pawn (here white queen's pawn) can move forward if the road is free. set_square(&mut b, pos("d3"), SQ_WH_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d3")); assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains( &(pos("d3"), pos("d4")) )); // Check that a pawn (here white king's pawn) can move 2 square forward on first move. set_square(&mut b, pos("e2"), SQ_WH_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("e2")); assert_eq!(moves.len(), 2); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("e3")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("e4")) )); // Check that a pawn cannot move forward if a piece is blocking its path. // 1. black pawn 2 square forward: set_square(&mut b, pos("e4"), SQ_BL_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("e2")); assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("e3")) )); // 2. black pawn 1 square forward: set_square(&mut b, pos("e3"), SQ_BL_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("e2")); assert_eq!(moves.len(), 0); // Check that a pawn can take a piece diagonally. set_square(&mut b, pos("f3"), SQ_BL_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("e2")); assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("f3")) )); set_square(&mut b, pos("d3"), SQ_BL_P); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("e2")); assert_eq!(moves.len(), 2); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("f3")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("e2"), pos("d3")) )); } #[test] fn test_get_legal_bishop_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); // A bishop has maximum range when it's in a center square. set_square(&mut b, pos("d4"), SQ_WH_B); let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")); assert_eq!(moves.len(), 13); // Going top-right. assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("e5")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("f6")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("g7")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("h8")) )); // Going bottom-right. assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("e3")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("f2")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("g1")) )); // Going bottom-left. assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("c3")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("b2")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("a1")) )); // Going top-left. assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("c5")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("b6")) )); assert!(moves.contains( &(pos("d4"), pos("a7")) )); // When blocking sight to one square with friendly piece, lose 2 moves. set_square(&mut b, pos("b2"), SQ_WH_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 11); // When blocking sight to one square with enemy piece, lose only 1 move. set_square(&mut b, pos("b2"), SQ_BL_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 12); } #[test] fn test_get_legal_knight_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); // A knight never has blocked sight; if it's in the center of the board, it can have up to // 8 moves. set_square(&mut b, pos("d4"), SQ_WH_N); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 8); // If on a side if has only 4 moves. set_square(&mut b, pos("a4"), SQ_WH_N); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("a4")).len(), 4); // And in a corner, only 2 moves. set_square(&mut b, pos("a1"), SQ_WH_N); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("a1")).len(), 2); // Add 2 friendly pieces and it is totally blocked. set_square(&mut b, pos("b3"), SQ_WH_P); set_square(&mut b, pos("c2"), SQ_WH_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("a1")).len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_get_legal_rook_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); set_square(&mut b, pos("d4"), SQ_WH_R); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 14); set_square(&mut b, pos("d6"), SQ_BL_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 12); set_square(&mut b, pos("d6"), SQ_WH_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 11); } #[test] fn test_get_legal_queen_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); set_square(&mut b, pos("d4"), SQ_WH_Q); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 14 + 13); // Bishop + rook moves. } #[test] fn test_get_legal_king_moves() { let mut b = new_empty(); set_square(&mut b, pos("d4"), SQ_WH_K); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 8); set_square(&mut b, pos("e5"), SQ_WH_P); assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, pos("d4")).len(), 7); } }