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//! Functions to determine legal moves.
use crate::board::*;
use crate::castling::*;
use crate::fen;
use crate::movement::Move;
/// Characteristics of the state of a game.
/// It does not include various parameters such as clocks that are
/// more aimed for engine analysis than typical rules checking.
/// - `color`: current player's turn
/// - `castling`: which castling options are available; updated throughout the game.
/// - `en_passant`: position of a pawn that can be taken using en passant attack.
/// - `halfmove`: eh not sure
/// - `fullmove`: same
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct GameState {
pub color: Color,
pub castling: u8,
pub en_passant: Option<Square>,
pub halfmove: i32,
pub fullmove: i32,
impl GameState {
pub const fn new() -> GameState {
GameState {
color: WHITE,
castling: CASTLE_MASK,
en_passant: None,
halfmove: 0,
fullmove: 1,
impl std::fmt::Display for GameState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
"[color: {}, castling: {:04b}, en_passant: {}, halfmove: {}, fullmove: {}]",
color_to_string(self.color), self.castling,
self.halfmove, self.fullmove
/// Get a list of moves for all pieces of the playing color.
/// If `pseudo_legal` is true, do not check for illegal moves. This is
/// used to avoid endless recursion when checking if a P move is
/// illegal, as it needs to check all possible following enemy moves,
/// e.g. to see if P's king can be taken. Consider a call with true
/// `pseudo_legal` as a collection of attacked squares instead of legal
/// move collection.
pub fn get_player_moves(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
) -> Vec<Move> {
let attacked_bb = board.get_rays(opposite(game_state.color));
let mut moves = Vec::with_capacity(32);
for r in 0..8 {
for f in 0..8 {
let square = sq(f, r);
if board.is_empty(square) {
if board.get_color_on(square) == game_state.color {
&mut get_piece_moves(board, game_state, square, game_state.color, attacked_bb)
/// Get a list of moves for the piece of `color` on `square`.
/// Use `board` and `game_state` to get the moves. `color` is the color
/// of the piece on `square`; it could technically be found from the
/// board but that would require an additional lookup and this function
/// is always called in a context where the piece color is known.
fn get_piece_moves(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
square: Square,
color: Color,
attacked_bb: Bitboard,
) -> Vec<Move> {
let piece = board.get_piece_on(square);
let mut moves = Vec::with_capacity(32);
match piece {
PAWN => {
board.get_pawn_progresses(square, color)
| board.get_pawn_captures(square, color)
KING => board.get_king_rays(square, color),
BISHOP => board.get_bishop_rays(square, color),
KNIGHT => board.get_knight_rays(square, color),
ROOK => board.get_rook_rays(square, color),
QUEEN => board.get_queen_rays(square, color),
_ => { panic!("Invalid piece.") }
&mut moves
if piece == KING && sq_rank(square) == CASTLE_RANK_BY_COLOR[color] {
get_king_castles(board, game_state, square, color, attacked_bb, &mut moves);
/// Get moves from this ray bitboard.
/// Inspect all moves from the bitboard and produce a Move for each
/// legal move. Does not take castle into account. Pawns that reach
/// the last rank are promoted as queens.
fn get_moves_from_bb(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
bitboard: Bitboard,
square: Square,
color: Color,
piece: Piece,
attacked_bb: Bitboard,
moves: &mut Vec<Move>
) {
for ray_square in 0..NUM_SQUARES {
if ray_square == square || bitboard & bit_pos(ray_square) == 0 {
if let Some(mut m) = inspect_move(board, game_state, square, ray_square, attacked_bb) {
// Automatic queen promotion for pawns moving to the opposite rank.
piece == PAWN
&& (
(color == WHITE && sq_rank(ray_square) == RANK_8)
|| (color == BLACK && sq_rank(ray_square) == RANK_1)
m.promotion = Some(QUEEN);
/// Accept or ignore a move from `square` to `ray_square`.
/// This function checks that the move is legal. It assumes that
/// `ray_square` is either empty or an enemy piece, but not a friend
/// piece: they should have been filtered.
/// This function does not set promotions for pawns reaching last rank.
fn inspect_move(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
square: Square,
ray_square: Square,
attacked_bb: Bitboard
) -> Option<Move> {
let m = Move::new(square, ray_square);
if !is_illegal(board, game_state, &m, attacked_bb) {
} else {
/// Check if a move is illegal.
fn is_illegal(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
m: &Move,
attacked_bb: Bitboard
) -> bool {
// A move is illegal if the king ends up in check.
let king_square = if board.get_piece_on(m.source) == KING {
} else {
if let Some(king) = board.find_king(game_state.color) { king } else { return false }
attacked_bb & bit_pos(king_square) != 0
/// Get possible castles.
/// Here are the rules that should ALL be respected:
/// 1. The king and the chosen rook are on the player's first rank.
/// 2. Neither the king nor the chosen rook has previously moved.
/// 3. There are no pieces between the king and the chosen rook.
/// 4. The king is not currently in check.
/// 5. The king does not pass through a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.
/// 6. The king does not end up in check.
/// Rule 1 is NOT checked by this method to avoid creating empty vecs.
/// Check it in the caller.
fn get_king_castles(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
square: Square,
color: Color,
attacked_bb: Bitboard,
moves: &mut Vec<Move>
) {
let combined_bb = board.combined();
// First get the required castling rank and color mask for the player.
let castle_rank = CASTLE_RANK_BY_COLOR[color];
let castle_color_mask = CASTLE_MASK_BY_COLOR[color];
// Check for castling if the king is on its castling rank (R1)
if sq_rank(square) == castle_rank {
// Check for both castling sides.
for castle_side_id in 0..NUM_CASTLE_SIDES {
let castle_side_mask = CASTLE_SIDES[castle_side_id];
// Check for castling availability for this color and side (R2).
if (game_state.castling & castle_color_mask & castle_side_mask) != 0 {
// Check that squares in the king's path are not attacked (R4, R5, R6).
let castle_legality_path = CASTLE_LEGALITY_PATHS[color][castle_side_id];
if attacked_bb & castle_legality_path != 0 {
// Check that squares in both the king and rook's path are empty.
let castle_move_path = CASTLE_MOVE_PATHS[color][castle_side_id];
if combined_bb & castle_move_path != 0 {
moves.push(Move::get_castle_move(castle_side_mask & castle_color_mask));
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// Like `get_piece_moves` but generate attacked bitboard.
fn get_legal_piece_moves(
board: &Board,
game_state: &GameState,
square: Square,
color: Color
) -> Vec<Move> {
let attacked_bb = board.get_rays(opposite(game_state.color));
get_piece_moves(board, game_state, square, color, attacked_bb)
fn test_get_player_moves() {
let b = Board::new();
let gs = GameState::new();
// At first move, white has 16 pawn moves and 4 knight moves.
let moves = get_player_moves(&b, &gs);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 20);
fn test_get_pawn_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let gs = GameState::new();
// Check that a pawn (here white queen's pawn) can move forward if the road is free.
b.set_square(D3, WHITE, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D3, WHITE);
assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains(&Move::new(D3, D4)));
// Check that a pawn (here white king's pawn) can move 2 square forward on first move.
b.set_square(E2, WHITE, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 2);
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(E2, E3)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(E2, E4)));
// Check that a pawn cannot move forward if a piece is blocking its path.
// 1. black pawn 2 square forward; only 1 square forward available from start pos.
b.set_square(E4, BLACK, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains(&Move::new(E2, E3)));
// 2. black pawn 1 square forward; no square available.
b.set_square(E3, BLACK, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 0);
// 3. remove the e4 black pawn; the white pawn should not be able to jump above e3 pawn.
b.clear_square(E4, BLACK, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 0);
// Check that a pawn can take a piece diagonally.
b.set_square(F3, BLACK, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains(&Move::new(E2, F3)));
b.set_square(D3, BLACK, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E2, WHITE);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 2);
assert!(moves.contains( &Move::new(E2, F3) ));
assert!(moves.contains( &Move::new(E2, D3) ));
// Check that a pawn moving to the last rank leads to queen promotion.
// 1. by simply moving forward.
b.set_square(A7, WHITE, PAWN);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, A7, WHITE);
assert!(moves.len() == 1 && moves.contains(&Move::new_promotion(A7, A8, QUEEN)));
fn test_get_bishop_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let gs = GameState::new();
// A bishop has maximum range when it's in a center square.
b.set_square(D4, WHITE, BISHOP);
let moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE);
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 13);
// Going top-right.
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, E5)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, F6)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, G7)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, H8)));
// Going bottom-right.
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, E3)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, F2)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, G1)));
// Going bottom-left.
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, C3)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, B2)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, A1)));
// Going top-left.
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, C5)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, B6)));
assert!(moves.contains(&Move::new(D4, A7)));
// When blocking commit to one square with friendly piece, lose 2 moves.
b.set_square(B2, WHITE, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 11);
// When blocking commit to one square with enemy piece, lose only 1 move.
b.set_square(B2, BLACK, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 12);
fn test_get_knight_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let gs = GameState::new();
// A knight never has blocked commit; if it's in the center of the board, it can have up to
// 8 moves.
b.set_square(D4, WHITE, KNIGHT);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 8);
// If on a side if has only 4 moves.
b.set_square(A4, WHITE, KNIGHT);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, A4, WHITE).len(), 4);
// And in a corner, only 2 moves.
b.set_square(A1, WHITE, KNIGHT);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, A1, WHITE).len(), 2);
// Add 2 friendly pieces and it is totally blocked.
b.set_square(B3, WHITE, PAWN);
b.set_square(C2, WHITE, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, A1, WHITE).len(), 0);
fn test_get_rook_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let gs = GameState::new();
b.set_square(D4, WHITE, ROOK);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 14);
b.set_square(D6, BLACK, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 12);
b.set_square(D6, WHITE, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 11);
fn test_get_queen_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let gs = GameState::new();
b.set_square(D4, WHITE, QUEEN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 14 + 13);
fn test_get_king_moves() {
let mut gs = GameState::new();
// King can move 1 square in any direction.
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
b.set_square(D4, WHITE, KING);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 8);
b.set_square(E5, WHITE, PAWN);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, D4, WHITE).len(), 7);
// If castling is available, other moves are possible: 5 moves + 2 castles.
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
b.set_square(E1, WHITE, KING);
b.set_square(A1, WHITE, ROOK);
b.set_square(H1, WHITE, ROOK);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E1, WHITE).len(), 5 + 2);
// Castling works as well for black.
gs.color = BLACK;
b.set_square(E8, BLACK, KING);
b.set_square(A8, BLACK, ROOK);
b.set_square(H8, BLACK, ROOK);
assert_eq!(get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E8, BLACK).len(), 5 + 2);
fn test_filter_illegal_moves() {
let mut b = Board::new_empty();
let mut gs = GameState::new();
// Place white's king on first rank.
b.set_square(E1, WHITE, KING);
// Place black rook in second rank: king can only move left or right.
b.set_square(H2, BLACK, ROOK);
// No castling available.
gs.castling = 0;
// 5 moves in absolute but only 2 are legal.
let all_wh_moves = get_legal_piece_moves(&b, &gs, E1, WHITE);
assert_eq!(all_wh_moves.len(), 2);