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Lightweight Symfony Broadcast Client, probably.

A small platform to create podcasts and episodes, host the audio files and share the RSS feed, with external sources download abilities.

Features include:

  • Lightweight, bare minimum pages;
  • Simple backoffice;
  • Separate users manage their own podcasts;
  • TODO an API
  • TODO the API let's you quickly add whole episodes from Youtube links

Podcasts follow mostly open standards but the “target” client is the fantastic AntennaPod, and gPodder was used in development.


This project requires:

  • PHP 8.3
  • PostgreSQL 15 and its PHP driver

For production:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Setup your web server to use PHP-FPM (root is ./public).
  3. Create the production config file: composer dump-env prod. Set a proper app secret.
  4. Create a database and its owner, then set appropriate database credentials in the config file.
  5. Install dependencies: composer install --no-dev.
  6. Apply database migrations: php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate